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Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下沙龙 / 游山玩水 / 想请教一下达人们,去古巴是跟团游还是自助游好?



    • Backpacking is the best
      • Only for someone. +1
        • Yup!
      • 你说的backpacking就是自助游吧?找个地方住下,每天day trip?哦得背一个小背包,否则就不是backpacking了
        • Oh, need a big backpack, instead of a suitcase. Put everything in the backpack. Best for young travellers, like me. :D
          • 为什么必须是big backpack不能是suitcase呢?反正也是放到住处,也不会背着去玩
            • It's the mobility issue. With a backpack, you can walk to any place. While a suitcase only allows you to walk on paved road. +1
              • 这个有道理。看去哪里。欧洲很多石头路,特别毁箱。
              • 但好像没有个玩法叫suitcasing 😄😄
                • That's the default way. :D
    • 古巴号称养猪团,海边找个酒店吃吃喝喝,度假的通常自助游。那种天天坐车到处观光的,自己不想辛苦开车的可以考虑跟团。Vacation和Sightseeing的区别。 +1
    • 😂古巴🇨🇺游是猎奇 跟啥团哦 人家又不是北韩🇰🇵
    • 去Hawana和Trinidad。
    • 古巴安全,自助便宜
      • 古巴除了海边,水上活动,还有其他的户外活动,好的风景吗
        • 基本没有 +1
          • 谢。
        • 去哈瓦那寻找旧日时光 :D
          • 我有个邻居是老单身男人,每次去古巴回来挤眉弄眼说那里什么都便宜,woman便宜,把我恶心死了。
            • 你的人缘真好。邻居都跟你说这些
              • 男人吹吹牛,得瑟得瑟,呵呵。
      • Compared to other Latin American countries, Cuba is not really cheap, considering the condition and level of services. +1
        • 老大推荐一个价廉景美的呗。机票不能太贵了
          • USA, or Mexico
            • 推荐一下墨西哥其他的地方,除了Cancun
              • It depends on how many days you have for the trip. Most places are not with stunning gorgeous views, but with deep cultures. The best way is to stay for a week or two to experience.
                • 俩个星期以上的,推荐哪里,风景不错的,加些历史古迹
                  • You may spend the whole two weeks in Oaxaca, experience the city and explore the nearby area.
                    • 怎么飞过去。加拿大有直飞的航班吗
                      • Search from here:
                        • 谢谢。貌似4月份便宜。冬天的价格没有。你是几月份去的
                          • I haven't been to that city. But it's in my radar.
        • 古巴和其它国家不一样的地方是旅馆特别贵, 你自由行要找 casa particular 住
          • Private accommodation is not cheap either.
            • depends, famous Ricks Steves' family did this way in Cuba
              • From what I heard, a room could be USD$15 to $20. That's way higher than many places in Mexico. Although some may think that's still a cheap price.
                • Sounds ok, I had a colleague from Peru, he told me, in Peru, you may find place for USD$10.
                  • I stayed with a dorm bed for USD$5 in Mexico. :D
                    • very good, 👍
    • 我们2016年选了一家哈瓦那 附近的全包团,自带沙滩,酒店每天有大巴送进哈瓦那城 - 提前预定,二十分钟不到吧,自助玩了三次老城,去了很多地方,切的故居,导弹危机残骸,城堡,森林公园,哈瓦那大学,和当地人坐轮渡,自己找城里吃喝,觉得还是挺好玩的。
    • 古巴游记,供参考。
    • 古巴还有跟团的?不都是网上买 All inclusive package
    • 自助比跟团贵多了,也更有意思。哈瓦那建了许多新的大酒店,又安全。每天在街上胡逛逛。。美