Famed Apollo 11 astronaut Buzz Aldrin made a surprise announcement Friday that he has married to his longtime girlfriend, Anca Faur, on his 93rd birthday.
Famed Apollo 11 astronaut Buzz Aldrin made a surprise announcement Friday that he has married to his longtime girlfriend, Anca Faur, on his 93rd birthday.
When is a person a “common law spouse” who is entitled to an inheritance? That was the main issue to be decided in Jones v. Davidson, 2020 BCSC 1371. In that estate case, Justice Mayer concluded that a BC woman did not meet the definition of common law spouse at…
That’s BC, not in Ontario.BC的车险还有公营的呢。
看我的帖子里特意注明的条件。那个案子是在没有遗嘱的情况下。一旦有了遗嘱,就不再是intestacy,安省的法律在intestacy上对 married 和 common law 关系分别对待,一直受到人们的诟病, 认为是不能与时俱进。