有谁最近去过台湾? 明天早上的航班,突然想起查一下入境要求,好像要求单独住一间,有单独的洗手间啊,这样的话,他是不是就会要求提前预定旅馆了?
官网查到最近更新是 Oct 13, 2022
不知道现在是不是要有要求, 谢谢
E. Epidemic prevention rules to follow during the self-initiatedprevention period:
1. In principle, arriving travelers should stay at home or a residence of a friend or family member or a hotel room that meets the requirement of "one person per room" (with a private bathroom) in the self-initiated prevention period.
官网查到最近更新是 Oct 13, 2022
不知道现在是不是要有要求, 谢谢
E. Epidemic prevention rules to follow during the self-initiatedprevention period:
1. In principle, arriving travelers should stay at home or a residence of a friend or family member or a hotel room that meets the requirement of "one person per room" (with a private bathroom) in the self-initiated prevention period.