accidental bodily injury or sudden and unexpected sickness of an Insured Person or Travelling Companion, which did not result from a
Pre-existing Condition and which prevents the Insured Person or Travelling Companion from starting the Trip. A Doctor must substantiate in writing that prior to the scheduled Trip departure date, he or she advised the Insured Person or Travelling Companion to cancel the Trip or that the accidental bodily injury or sickness made it impossible for the Insured Person or Travelling Companion to start the Trip;
d) a delay causing an Insured Person to miss a connection for a Common Carrier or resulting in the interruption of an Insured Person’s travel arrangements, including the following:
i) delay of an Insured Person’s Common Carrier resulting from the mechanical failure of that carrier;
ii) a traffic accident or an emergency police-directed road closure (either must be substantiated by a police report);
iii) weather conditions; or
iv) unexpected or unforeseen earthquake or volcanic eruption.