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奥村如何成为美国least affordable city

The capital of Texas has long been an attractive place to call home. But with an average of 180 new residents a day arriving, its popularity has created a brewing housing crisis that is reshaping the city.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 枫下觅巢 / 奥村如何成为美国least affordable city +1
    The capital of Texas has long been an attractive place to call home. But with an average of 180 new residents a day arriving, its popularity has created a brewing housing crisis that is reshaping the city.
    • It's because that more and more businesses and people are moving from leftist states to Texas. NYT is just jealous. +3
    • Oracle 总部移此,加上苹果特斯拉工厂搬入,房价上涨必然。不过要注意地税3%的房子还是不要碰
    • 难道纽约就更affordable?左左们也真敢起这样的标题 +1