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Nearly 1 in 4 homeowners say they'd have to sell home if interest rates rise more, according to survey

Nearly one in four homeowners say they will have to sell their home if interest rates go up further, according to a new debt survey from Manulife Bank of Canada.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 枫下觅巢 / Nearly 1 in 4 homeowners say they'd have to sell home if interest rates rise more, according to survey +1
    Nearly one in four homeowners say they will have to sell their home if interest rates go up further, according to a new debt survey from Manulife Bank of Canada.
    • 之前有个民意调查还说1/3的人如果不能继续居家办公就会辞职 有多少辞职了? 嘴巴说着爽 真要作就不一样了
      • 这还有可能是真的,你问我我也这么说,央行你再加息我就死给你看😂 +1
        • 哈哈,我也是这么想的,再加0.25日子就没法过了!
          • 唉 加就加吧,都享受了几年超低息了房价也涨了辣魔多,歇会儿吧😉 +1
            • 才加两次息,咋就泄气了🤣🤣 +3
              • 总得让你也有高兴一下的时候嘛,老让你看戏看悲剧有点于心不忍呀😉