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这个更猛:"Seventy-five basis points next move, and possibly another 75, so they'll get rates up to 2.75 to three per cent by September."

The BOC went almost 20 years without hiking its benchmark interest rate by half a point. Now, in the span of less than two months, it's gone back-to-back with moves of that magnitude as it attempts to wrestle down inflation.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 枫下觅巢 / 这个更猛:"Seventy-five basis points next move, and possibly another 75, so they'll get rates up to 2.75 to three per cent by September." +2
    The BOC went almost 20 years without hiking its benchmark interest rate by half a point. Now, in the span of less than two months, it's gone back-to-back with moves of that magnitude as it attempts to wrestle down inflation.
    • 慢慢煮不行吗?为什么要这么猛火煮?
    • 加拿大的傻央行疯了,从一个极端走向另一个极端!很快会有美国的傻银行关于连续加1%的傻预测出炉 - 美国自己屁股上的屎都没搽干净,整天惦记加拿大。加拿大有望在年底进入衰退!这样滞涨渴望提前实现!
    • 这样加下去,感觉房市要大跌了。 +11
    • 进入加息周期了。 +1

      • 加行就是激进。2020年3月连降3个0.5%,使 BM Rate 从1.75%急速降到0.25%. +2
        • 可以跟进美元加息,不至于加元暴涨,对大家都不利。 +1
    • 加拿大央行没什么信用,刚刚说2023前不加息。回头就加了。。所以都是娱乐新闻。 +2
      • 加拿大央行对房子的警告,20多年就没有正确过。加拿大央行对利息的中长期预测,也从来没有正确过。就像个小孩,一点不靠谱,从来都是用力过猛,颠来倒去 +1
    • 利率就是经济的伟哥,经济疲软狂吃,物价上涨狂吐 +1
      • 如果利率低于通膨,还是挣钱的。只是,加拿大不是资本主义国家,房租不能跟紧通膨(2018年某月后的例外)。只要算好不会被强制平仓,房子是个长线投资,没啥关系的。涨跌都只是个心情 +1
        • 也要操心房子维护等问题,和股票有点不同,股票手机上看看就行,房子还有赖租客问题
          • 投资有风险。开超市的都要算出3%送给小偷。你说的坏租客什么的是统计意义上的cost。投资房是实体投资和金融投资的结合,当然和股票不一样 +2
          • 长期投资担心的不是一时的涨跌,主要还是通胀。通胀会提高维护费用,增加租客赖租风险,而房租很可能被限制跟不上通胀。 +3