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OTTAWA (Reuters) -It is becoming more likely that the Bank of Canada may need to hike its policy interest rate to 3% or higher, double its current level, to prevent soaring inflation from becoming entrenched, a deputy governor said on Thursday. In a speech to a business audience in the Ottawa region, Paul Beaudry said price pressures were broadening, with inflation much higher than the central bank had forecast and set to increase further before easing. "This raises the likelihood that we may need to raise the policy rate to the top end or above the neutral range to bring demand and supply into balance and keep inflation expectations well anchored," said Beaudry.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 枫下觅巢 / 加息到3.0%几乎无悬念。 +9
    OTTAWA (Reuters) -It is becoming more likely that the Bank of Canada may need to hike its policy interest rate to 3% or higher, double its current level, to prevent soaring inflation from becoming entrenched, a deputy governor said on Thursday. In a speech to a business audience in the Ottawa region, Paul Beaudry said price pressures were broadening, with inflation much higher than the central bank had forecast and set to increase further before easing. "This raises the likelihood that we may need to raise the policy rate to the top end or above the neutral range to bring demand and supply into balance and keep inflation expectations well anchored," said Beaudry.
    • 听暴雷 +2
    • 如果止步到3.0%,那是很好的结果。 +3
    • 你最近可在解大气啊!去年前年那些炒房混蛋们可是把你打压的够呛,动不动说是过节。你是恨不得这些混蛋都破产跳楼吧?😄 其实那些炒房的混蛋一直都是太穷了,又无其它技能,只能挺而走险搞房赌博。但是他们最浅薄无知的是政府会给你撑腰修理他们。 要理解房赌无知愚蠢。 +16
    • 现在是多少?1.5? +1
      • correct +1
    • TD浮动贷款利率今天又提高了0.5%, 现在是3.2%.前天还是2.7%。😄 +2
    • 凡是有房贷的都要算算能否扛过去,早做准备。 +1
      • 为什么抗不过去,除了scotia bank,其他银行的贷款供款跟涨息有什么关系? +1
        • 都一样的,利率涨每月的供款自然涨,还不少呢 +1
        • 你知道别家银行有trigger rate吧?到点一次性大幅加回来。B lender的贷款一般都是一年到期,现在及接下来一年到期的,你说renew的利率咋样?即使五大行现在及接下来一年到期的,新利率你说呢? +7
          • 真还不知道trigger rate, 可否具体讲讲其他四大银行的trigger rate是多少?
            • 就是你的月供连利息都不够付的时候 +7
              • 那就要看你锁定的利率是多少了,如果在最低点锁定的话,那压力是有些的. 但是如果真的出现这种情况,有多少是自住的买家呢?他们会不会是多数人呢?如果是多数人,政府会放任不管吗?
                • 通货膨胀影响每一个人, +3
                  而自住的买家用B lender的应该不多。用B lender的多为买几个投资房的,不少是经纪。政府是为绝大多数人服务的,所以,对付通货膨胀是第一优先。照顾是有的,就是加息之前一再放出风声。但绝大多数投资者念念不忘二月的高价,如果还能撑的住,是暂时不会卖的。
                  • 有人不信央行敢加息,坛子里就有 +3
    • 为什么不一步加到位?磨磨唧唧烦。 +4
      • 嗯,以后每日三次,每次两片,改成一次6片算了。 +2
        • 嗯,就是,上猛药。🤣 +1
          • 那样会死人的,他在给逃跑的人机会
      • 加元已经暴涨,还是缓缓吧,加元盯紧美元就好。
      • 因为美国没有一次到位啊。况且通货膨胀不会因为加息而马上受到控制。需要等待两年的时间才看到效果。一次到位会引起恐慌,现在这样就像是股市一样,很多投资股市或房市的,都不是一下子能接受市场的转向,慢刀子割肉也好过一次过输光。
      • 轮船还一点点掉头,给它拔起来掉过头摔回去 +1
    • 应该还会有加息,合理安排流动性资产和债务。BMO贷款了解一下 +1
    • 加息同时引发萧条大裁员 风雨欲来了 韭菜们以为加息会让自己的存了20年GIC可以买房翻身 万恶的房东要破产跳楼 谁知道连工作都快没了 +2
      • 谁还不是韭菜呢?割的时点和方式不同而已。 +1