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根据这个链接,1% above3.25%, 贷款额降9%,不知这个例子是否具有普遍性。

All eyes have been on the Bank of Canada’s rate tightening and its impact on variable mortgages, but now there are fresh concerns given the flurry of recent increases to 5-year fixed mortgage rates.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 枫下觅巢 / 实际利率超过3.25%之后,利率每增加0.5%, 请问贷款额会降低多少?每家银行一样吗?谢谢!
    • 贷款额根据stress test利率不根据实际利率
      • 那是实际利率小于3.25%的时候。当实际利率大于3.25%的时候,再加2%大过5.25%,这时候要按实际利率来算了。贷款额要降低了。 +4
        • 100万30年贷款增加300月供,月供不变情况下贷款额减少约5.3万
          • 根据这个链接,1% above3.25%, 贷款额降9%,不知这个例子是否具有普遍性。 +2
            All eyes have been on the Bank of Canada’s rate tightening and its impact on variable mortgages, but now there are fresh concerns given the flurry of recent increases to 5-year fixed mortgage rates.
            • 我说的月供增加300是你问的增加0.5利率的情况。增加1%,贷款额降低10.2万。 +2
              • 谢谢,我问的是贷款额不是月供。你是说每增加1%,对于原本可以贷100万的, 贷款额会降大约10.2万?
                • 是的,贷款额是根据月供计算的
                  • 多谢!
                • sounds right to me. 25 year amortization is roughly 10 year duration. So for every 1% change in rate, the PV change is 10%.
                  • 多谢!
    • 贷款额会降低,大约就像上面所计算的。如果近期有贷款需求,应该早做打算,BMO贷款可以了解一下。