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周三: U.S. central bank hikes benchmark interest rate by largest amount in 22 years

The U.S. central bank showed its resolve to bring down the highest inflation rate in 40 years by raising its own benchmark lending rate by the largest amount in 22 years. The Federal Reserve raised its benchmark lending rate to a range of between 0.75 and one per cent on Wednesday. That's an increase of half a percentage point from where it was before, and the biggest increase to the rate since the year 2000. Central banks slashed their lending rates in the early days of the pandemic in order to

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 枫下觅巢 / 美联储放鸽,不留余地的确定未来不会激进加息,股市立刻大涨,股,债。房产等资产价格未来的走向如何?
    • 不是说5号要加息吗,加了吗?
      • 美联储从来都是周三下午公布会议纪要,美国4号,你是看中国媒体说5号?
      • 周三: U.S. central bank hikes benchmark interest rate by largest amount in 22 years
        The U.S. central bank showed its resolve to bring down the highest inflation rate in 40 years by raising its own benchmark lending rate by the largest amount in 22 years. The Federal Reserve raised its benchmark lending rate to a range of between 0.75 and one per cent on Wednesday. That's an increase of half a percentage point from where it was before, and the biggest increase to the rate since the year 2000. Central banks slashed their lending rates in the early days of the pandemic in order to
        • 75个基点,加拿大估计要跟进
    • 所以巴菲特说股市是赌场。首先加息目标是到3%,然后是每次加多少的问题。加0.75只是一种提法。算不上太鸽。与预期有落差的就是6月开始的缩表变成了UP TO 480亿。要到九月才会是950亿。就这么点区别股市就能涨近千点?俺是不信的。 +5
    • 今天不是大跳水吗?亏的底裤都快没了。😭 +14
      • 今天是失业率增加了,估计联储也是有数据才稍微转鸽。
    • 我们生活在平行宇宙吗? +14
      • 昨天你没看会议?
        • 嗯,昨天开会我没参加。 +5
    • 历史上每次美联储进入加息周期跟随的都是股市大跌,还没有一次例外呢,不认为这次会有什么不同,这一两年还是远离风险资产为好
      • 美股跌对加房市是利好。
        • 加息对房市是大大的利空 +11
          • 加不了多少了。 +2
            • 真的吗?那房价还要涨? +1
          • 美国加息还是有助于降通胀的,现在看出来了,美元大涨,进口货物自然贬值。看看日元跌的像s。这样子通胀可能真的已经peak了
    • 开市又跌跌不休,UVXY SQQQ大涨.高科技跌成了狗.CS包估计也得缩了,记得有年哗哗哗倒闭潮,CS毕业都找不到工作
      • 高科技几年到十几年来一次