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B.C. introduces homebuyer protection bill that will allow cooling off period BC将立法实施购房冷静期

The legislative amendments, when passed, will give people buying a home more time to consider their offers, ensure financing and obtain a home inspection.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 枫下觅巢 / B.C. introduces homebuyer protection bill that will allow cooling off period BC将立法实施购房冷静期
    The legislative amendments, when passed, will give people buying a home more time to consider their offers, ensure financing and obtain a home inspection.
    • price driving force is demand/supply, not how long the cooling day is. It works both ways. buyer may cool off but seller now can get a better deal after the bidding war. +1
      • 做经纪的就不喜欢了。多费工。 +1
        • yea but this shows how incompetence this government is, that instead of addressing the fundamental, they are good at spin the talking point. High price benefit them anyway. +2
    • 这个法律上不可行,新房有10天冷静期是因为合同是开发商的预制合同、买家只有签或者不签的权利,为了防止开发商加很多霸王条款在合同里,买家有10天冷静期让自己的律师来读合同,二手房是customerize合同,双方在inputs上是对等的。 +2
      • This is for any home purchase, not just new home. +1
        • 这个法案只是个提案、还没通过,这是有法律漏洞的、应该是通不过的,不然会被滥用,除非有一个门槛对等保护卖家、比如交一定的费用作为投标保证金、才有投标的资格。 +1
      • 那双方都有10天冷静期不就平了
        • 那更不可行了,一笔糊涂账、卖家也有冷静期等于说一房可以多卖,你冷静完了想买了,我冷静完了卖给其他人了不卖你了。 +1
          • 合同里可以写放弃冷静期, 谁放弃谁得。如果我卖房子我就会优先考虑放弃冷静期的买家。
            • 那就跟现在一样了,本来也有验房贷款条件,再加个冷静条件、再全部划掉、等于啥也没变。
              • 就是了
              • 是这样的,这就是西方政府好像在作事其实啥也没干的典型。供需是关键,其他都没用。但卡供都可以得好处,谁管你买得起不?反正有人买。 +1
              • 也是,有冷静条件,抢offer的时候,或者买新房的时候,进场条件都没有
    • 有人知道bc省300万交教育税,这300万这么介定?是跟着政府评估的地税走, 还是每家每年评估一次 怎么才能合理操作 房价有涨跌呀
      • 肯定是评估价呀
        • 嗯,市价要500万了 和普通人没什么关系