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Officials in the Department of Natural Resources are working on a proposal for mandatory energy-performance audits of residential homes before the point of sale

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 枫下觅巢 / 这么多大地主,怎么没有人讨论这个?政府又要割韭菜了,希望不是太贵。
    Officials in the Department of Natural Resources are working on a proposal for mandatory energy-performance audits of residential homes before the point of sale
    • 不干趴下土豆,加拿大人民没好日子 +2
    • 保障买家又一个做法,规范市场也好啊。房市热的时候抢起来稀里糊涂买了不好的更糟啊。
    • 现在政府有不少补贴,老中地主的出租房大多很energy efficeint了