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The British Columbia government is considering taking away some of the permit powers municipal governments have to approve housing construction in an effort to get more homes built in the province, the housing minister says.

The British Columbia government is considering taking away some of the permit powers municipal governments have to approve housing construction in an effort to get more homes built in the province, the housing minister says.

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  • 枫下家园 / 枫下觅巢 / The British Columbia government is considering taking away some of the permit powers municipal governments have to approve housing construction in an effort to get more homes built in the province, the housing minister says.
    The British Columbia government is considering taking away some of the permit powers municipal governments have to approve housing construction in an effort to get more homes built in the province, the housing minister says.
    • crazy. This would only benefit those with tie of the provincial gov. Everyone else will be suffering from the incompetence of this provincial gov.
    • 动机虽然是好的,但方法不当,省府不该越权管市府的,这越来越象集权政府了 +2
      • 省府和联邦都是党派政治,市府选举是没有党派的。虽然候选人可能偏左或偏右,但是后面没有政党。现在政党政治已经玩坏了,控制了政党,就控制了国家和州省。市府级别,独立候选人还有可能当选。现在把市府的权力尽量减少,草民们就更容易被控制了。
        • 是这样,BC只有自由党和NDP,都一个德行
          • BC只有这两个政党,自由党是中间派(类似安省保守党),NDP是则是安省自由党十NDP.以前自由党一直执政还好。