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这些房屋保险知识很重要,不要等出了事才明白。Generally speaking, unpermitted work is not covered by your homeowners insurance. In fact, unpermitted work can interfere with your homeowners insurance as a whole.

Remediation for unpermitted work means tearing upon the unpermitted work to allow inspectors to see that the work has been done to code.

What Is Considered Unpermitted Work? 

As the name implies, unpermitted work is any work that is done without a permit, when a permit is required. Unpermitted work can be performed by a homeowner, contractor, or handyman. Sometimes, unpermitted work can be done without the knowledge of the homeowner, other times, it is performed intentionally. Permits are often ignored when contractors want to keep their bid competitive or when homeowners are looking to save a bit of dough. Each can be costly in the grand scheme of things, especially when it comes to your homeowners insurance policy.

Does Homeowners Insurance Cover Unpermitted Work? 

Let’s pretend that you had an addition put onto your home by a local contractor. Later on, you find out that the contractor was not working with a permit. Faulty wiring, in addition, causes a hypothetical fire. Are you covered by homeowners insurance? Generally speaking, unpermitted work is not covered by your homeowners insurance. In fact, unpermitted work can interfere with your homeowners insurance as a whole.

If you file a claim with your homeowners and they find out that you’re having unpermitted work performed on your property, they do have the right to drop your coverage due to risk. What can be done if you’ve had unpermitted work done in the past and it is interfering with insurance? You’ll need to remediate. Homeowners can avoid problems with insurance will need to remediate to ensure that the home is fully protected. Keep in mind, you can choose to remediate at any time.

Not sure what remediation entails? Let’s investigate.

What Is Remediation For Unpermitted Work? 

Remediation for unpermitted work means tearing upon the unpermitted work to allow inspectors to see that the work has been done to code. In a home with a new addition, inspectors will need to investigate and ensure that wiring has been done properly and that everything is up to standard. If aspects of the job have not been done properly, it will need to be repaired before the local inspector can approve the work. The process itself can be quite expensive and lengthy. Permits must be purchased and any work previously performed in the home will need to be deconstructed. Unfortunately, if your homeowners coverage is in jeopardy or you need to sell your home, remediation is your only option.


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 枫下觅巢 / 如果买来的房子是经过改造的,但没有permit,这个怎么办。比如mpac上是两个厕所,但实际上有四个厕所,加厕所应该有permit吧,但卖家说没申请过。以后会有麻烦么?
    • 不改造房子主结构加厕所不需要申请permit, 买房后如实报保险就好了,没有麻烦。
      • 这种说法是完全错误的。Which Home Improvements Require Permits in Canada? +2
        Most people are aware that they need a permit for major house renovations, but some forget that this permit is needed for some small renovations as well.
        • 这叫约定俗成,只要你找的人做的对,保险公司和银行都不理你,就像你在高速开110一样,当然你也可以主动去申请,先找公司搞个设计再等上8个月,再一步一步等inspection,一年完工。
          • 申请permit确实费力费时费钱,光装修方案审批最少要一个月,但是被发现了后果可能很严重,所以自己要权衡利弊。无照装修相当于给自己或下任房主埋了颗雷,啥时引爆取决于市政执法力度,房客和周围邻居。
            • 没什么严重的,大不了补个申请,做错的当然要改,做·对的没事。出事的都是影响邻居的,所以装修尽量不要影响邻居平常尽量搞好关系。
              • 看来你想的很简单,比如说地下室加装一个厕所,plumbing inspection要求是露出新加的下水管和venting管看是否符合排水和venting code要求,所以不管你认为的做对还是做错,都需要拆拆拆,把地板扒开砸水泥地挖沟露出下水管,把墙拆了把天花板拆了露出venting管。 +3
                • 有牌的plumber做的都符合要求并签字的话补个图和申请就行了,让你拆的都是无证小贩乱来的才会。我建房子20多年了,inspector就那几个,来到一问是谁做的就知道对不对了。
                  • 你比较能扯,照你的说法那些盖新房的都有牌,盖完房后inspector一看是有牌的就过了。可事实不是这样的, +2
                    我之前为了自己能独立整装专门跟过新房区建设特别关注inspection实施过程,那些plumber做完后要等到inspector来看完通过后才能让下一工序进行,否则后面的人都要返工,建新房就是这样,一步一步来。这步通过了下一步才能进行。我后来自己走过了这个过程和多个inspector直接沟通交涉有了更深的认识。permit通过必须所有的inspection都通过,plumbing inspection被列为所有inspection的第一项,就是怕你通不过它会把其它的推倒重来。plumbing inspection不看到那些管子是无法通过的,另外通过plumbing inspection不需要提供图或任何人的签名。我说的都是实际经历,没有纸上谈兵或胡扯。
                    • 你说的新房inspection过程是这样子,可我没有胡扯,多做几个工程你就知道了。
                      • 好了,不在这浪费时间了。其实验证这个问题很简单,只要给building department打个电话或发个邮件,问问如果新加厕所装完后通过plumbing inspection要不要拆墙拆地拆天花板。
                        • 你说的完全没错,可是没人会这么干。
                          • 我认为,如果装修只是功能上的增加比如卫生间重装bathtub改shower,不申请permit没有问题。但如果新加厕所或厨房则涉及水电的大改动,这个很容易暴露出来特别在卖房时,所以要慎重。
                    • 样样都按规矩来申请,你做个basement一年都完不了。
                      • 我周围的邻居很多都是走permit请人一年内拿下basement整装,邻居有没有permit我们这边网上是可以查到的。我是WFH,自己做肯定达不到
                        • 如果装修原有卫生间,只是挪动一下水龙头位置就不用permit吧,还是改动任何水管都要permit?
                          • 我感觉理论上可能要,但是不申请也查不出来,因为市政的house图纸不会详细到具体水龙头的位置
                            • 怎么说呢?我觉的你说的都对,但是有点儿nerd。这麽说吧 - 新房city做的inspection,遗漏和疏忽的地方比比皆是,大家都是差不多就行了。当然了,你自己做工程,一定要perfect legal做足到位,人家肯定也不会阻拦你。 +2
      • 加厕所不需要申请permit~错,需要permit,完工通过city plump inspection
        • 不光是通过plumbing(上下水和venting)还有HVAC和电的inspection +1
        • 法律条文是这样写的。
    • 即使是无permit的东东,如果没出大事或无人投诉,一般不会有麻烦,这里大部分有麻烦的无非是因倒塌、火灾出事,更多的恐怕是有邻居投诉,有人是看不惯,有人是怕有火灾殃及...
    • 现在装修大部分是不申请PERMIT直接做的比较多。
      • 自住装修不做大改动可能很多人不申请permit,但去买无permit的房子风险大,心理不踏实。 +1
    • 没有啥麻烦,这些东西没人举报,就没人管
      • 上面有人说了,家里埋了颗定时炸弹,出了事保险公司不赔。 +2
        • 是的,保险索赔时就知道麻烦了 +1
          • 没有麻烦,只要买保险跟索赔时房子的状况一样就行了,新加装的要及时报保险。
    • 不出事就没麻烦,这种房子最好不要买,当然实在要买也可以,可要求降价因为有风险,买了后可以考虑补permit,没permit以后卖房时买家可能会有和你现在同样的担忧 +4
    • mpac的信息不准的,我经历我一次mpac上门了解房屋情况,就我说说大概情况,mpac的信息和政府permit不是同步的,即使有permit,mpac上不会体现最新信息,
      • 楼主说了卖家没申请permit,当然在MPAC上不会有,有无permit也可以去city查证,MPAC只是参考之一,新装修的可能存在你所说的不同步因为MPAC是4年才评估一次,但如果有申请permit,装修后MPAC会马上重新评估,房产税会马上提高,这就是很多人不申请permit的原因
        • 看房子年龄,city的permit也不会保存多少年,如果卖家不说,别人挺难知道有没有permit, lz根据mpac判断permit是不准确,
    • 如果觉得不踏实就不要买。 +1
    • 不要自己吓唬自己。买来之后如实报保险,没事的。 +2
      • 等出了事要理赔的时候,保险公司派人来一调查,有两个厕所是加装的没permit,会没事?
        • 没事。只要当初disclose。
          • 你跟保险公司说加了两个厕所没有permit,它还能给你保?
            • 每个人都这样,除你之外。你非得要把两个厕所拆了,申请permit重新建,保险公司应该也没问题。LOL。牛角尖你一定要钻,谁能拦住你?
              • 咱们在说贴主的问题,两个加建的厕所没有permit合不合法,保险上有没有风险?别人愿赌贴主就一定要跟着赌?
                • 问一下保险broker,看他们怎么说?
                  • 对呀,贴主可以打电话给任意一家保险公司,告诉他们实际情况,问他们保不保。
      • 这些房屋保险知识很重要,不要等出了事才明白。Generally speaking, unpermitted work is not covered by your homeowners insurance. In fact, unpermitted work can interfere with your homeowners insurance as a whole.

        Remediation for unpermitted work means tearing upon the unpermitted work to allow inspectors to see that the work has been done to code.

        What Is Considered Unpermitted Work? 

        As the name implies, unpermitted work is any work that is done without a permit, when a permit is required. Unpermitted work can be performed by a homeowner, contractor, or handyman. Sometimes, unpermitted work can be done without the knowledge of the homeowner, other times, it is performed intentionally. Permits are often ignored when contractors want to keep their bid competitive or when homeowners are looking to save a bit of dough. Each can be costly in the grand scheme of things, especially when it comes to your homeowners insurance policy.

        Does Homeowners Insurance Cover Unpermitted Work? 

        Let’s pretend that you had an addition put onto your home by a local contractor. Later on, you find out that the contractor was not working with a permit. Faulty wiring, in addition, causes a hypothetical fire. Are you covered by homeowners insurance? Generally speaking, unpermitted work is not covered by your homeowners insurance. In fact, unpermitted work can interfere with your homeowners insurance as a whole.

        If you file a claim with your homeowners and they find out that you’re having unpermitted work performed on your property, they do have the right to drop your coverage due to risk. What can be done if you’ve had unpermitted work done in the past and it is interfering with insurance? You’ll need to remediate. Homeowners can avoid problems with insurance will need to remediate to ensure that the home is fully protected. Keep in mind, you can choose to remediate at any time.

        Not sure what remediation entails? Let’s investigate.

        What Is Remediation For Unpermitted Work? 

        Remediation for unpermitted work means tearing upon the unpermitted work to allow inspectors to see that the work has been done to code. In a home with a new addition, inspectors will need to investigate and ensure that wiring has been done properly and that everything is up to standard. If aspects of the job have not been done properly, it will need to be repaired before the local inspector can approve the work. The process itself can be quite expensive and lengthy. Permits must be purchased and any work previously performed in the home will need to be deconstructed. Unfortunately, if your homeowners coverage is in jeopardy or you need to sell your home, remediation is your only option.

        • 你这是杞人忧天 + 书呆子。 +1
          • 不要那么气急败坏嘛
            • 没有啊。如有冒犯,请原谅。
    • 没麻烦,保险公司只关心房子的年头,面积,离消防局、消防栓多远、电路是铝的还是铜的,heating是forced Air 还是油的、alarm是central还是local的、有没有sunk pump, roof什么时候换的、车道是不是下陷的,有几个厕所就跟担心红色的车保费贵一样是空穴来风。 +1
      • 你不要误导,保险公司一定会问有几个卧室,几个厕所,几个厨房的,你不告诉保险公司有非法加/改建它是不会问你的,默认就是你要主动告诉它,你不说它当然给你保,等真出事要理赔的时候,就呵呵了,它还会赔你? +2
        • 如果你不是行业内的我跟你讨论也没意义,你可以去网上找找房险的6个form了解一下房子的risk peril, 看看几个厕所是一种peril吗。
          • 你是业内的应该清楚两个洗手间加建没有permit·,保险公司会怎么看,或者你可以问问你们的理赔专员。

            另外,我手头上就有application form,你要看吗?
      • 那照你的意思,比如说我无照加建的厕所水管子没接好把地下室淹了,或者我加建的厨房电线没接对把房客电死了,保险公司都会管对吧
        • lz说的是买这样的房子,你说的是你自己施工,这样的保险和lz保险是两个不同的险种、也会cover、施工方的professional liability、如果你有租客、你要把房子改成rental dwelling、只要保险公司的underwriter通过了你的核保,保险公司就会陪。
          • 所以你说了半天和没说一样,“只要保险公司的underwriter通过了你的核保”, 问题是到出了事如果保险公司认真核查,这两种情况都属于无照装修,按保险具体规定不会赔啊
            • 无照装修和买了无照装修的房子是两码事,买房子只要银行给你贷款、就没有保险公司不给你保的,要发生问题也是银行那边先发生问题,你都close不了、根到不了理赔那一步。你见过买了4个厕所的房子银行不批贷款的吗?我见过银行不批贷款的、地下室有三个厨房银行就不会批。 +1
              • 无照装修的房子上保险并不难因为谁也不会详细问你的厕所是否都有permit,这个不用争论。争论的核心在于如果厕所发大水把地下室淹了,保险公司经调查发现这个厕所是无照装修,你认为保险公司会赔吗?
                • 你别跟他说了,他是白白在保险公司上班,还兼职agent,我是无语了。 +3
                  • 原来这样。。听听无妨,只要是直接回答别绕来绕去就成
                • 我碰到这种事情多了去了,无证乱装修造成发大水的的保险100%赔而且根本不问装修的人有证与否,保险保险就是保各种意外,除了一种情况不保就是骗保险。
                  • 明白人,哪怕骗保、一次两次保险公司都算了,人开门做生意的,看的是总数、只要COR<102%,保险公司就比银行强,每个case的Alae都是有限制的、为了跟本站不住脚的理由扯皮、把小claim搞成large claim那才叫失败,外行人你跟他也说不明白,他们有担心、别买就是了。 +1
                  • 你看,你也在绕来绕去的回答,我的问题是如果保险公司经调查发现这个厕所是无照装修,你认为保险公司会赔吗?另外说一下,无照装修是指无permit装修,和装修的人有否有证不是一码事。
                    • 你既然这么执着那我就跟你讲一下保险公司的日常运作吧,
                      他们有收款部门和理赔部门,每天算账工作量很大,他们最不希望的是开 new claim file而最喜欢尽快close file, 小case的claimer只要不是在他们数据库里多次出现过的或有明显嫌疑的他们看都不看就赔了,为你一个卫生间的permit问题花人力调查然后跟你打官司这种事情他们是不会做的,劳民伤财还落得个臭名,反而爽快地理赔能得到很好的广告效应,这就是加拿大实际的情况。
                      • 好吧,发大水的栗子可能算个小case那我说个大的,如果这个厕所像下面说的没有按code要求装有GFCI功能的插座,客人用了厕所发生意外被电死了,屋主要求保险公司按最大额赔给客人200万,保险公司经调查发现这个厕所是无照装修,保险公司会赔吗?
                        • 不会赔,这个是大case保险公司会调查的很仔细,电路安装要很小心对待,如果买了不知装修历史的房子应该找持牌电工仔细检查一遍,不对的就花点小钱改了,但这不应该成为买房与否的理由,多数房子都是没装修历史的。
                          • ouch,那谁说来着没麻烦?
                            • 这种算什么麻烦,新买来的房子多多少少都要装修一下的,楼主问的是会不会由于不清楚加厕所有否permit造成大的隐患和法律上的问题。
                              • 问题是很多人没想过这些,特别是与电有关的事情,你知道不代表别人也知道。
                                • 谢谢你的提醒,对坛友有很大帮助 👍
                                  • 魔鬼藏在细节里,有时候深度交流还是很能发现问题的
                        • 对,不合规的保险公司不会陪。有时赔,只是不想深究,但业主不应该抱侥幸心理。装修公司也不应该为了挣钱助纣为虐。
                          • 听着是这么个理儿
                • 理论上你是对的。但是实际上,还没有发生过这样的事情。当然没有发生过并不表示以后不会发生,但焦虑太多,什么事都没有办法做了。 +2
                  • 其实我是针对上面的“专业人士”和”半专业人士“所说的没麻烦,提出的一种具体可能存在,有相当大概率的可能有麻烦。每个人得抗风险能力不同,不管申请不申请permit,做到心中有数。
                    • 你找来的资料信息都是对的,但事实并不是“有相当大概率的可能有麻烦”,而是从来没发生过。
    • 讲讲我自己的例子。我买的投资房,前owner的basement装修和开分门都没有permit。我买来以后楼上楼下分租,被邻居举报 +2

      政府派人来查看,给了两个option。option one,补permit,要请人画basement的图纸,要把basement的ceiling换了,还有一些不符合消防的细节要改,option two,不用补permit,basement就不可以放炉头,分门要符合消防要求。

      我最后选了option two,总共花了两千多。因为买房的时候买了title insurance,政府的来的人说可以claim的,我不知道怎么claim title insurance,有朋友知道怎么操作吗?

      • 问你买房时的律师。
        • 谢谢!
      • 信息太重要了,谢谢
        • 不客气。而且有没有permit和保险没有什么关系。保险公司不问这个问题。
      • 情况就是你说的这样。另外你买房的律师有责任帮你claim Title insurance。
      • 小红书上有个三叔聊房,他介绍过违章工程如何办理Title insurance
        • 能麻烦提供个链接吗,对小红书不了解怎么弄,谢谢

          这个title insurance claim有期限吗,比如closing多长时间内申请有效?万一过了几年被发现有没有permit的违章工程,还能理赔吗?
    • 一并谢过楼上各位参与讨论,学习了不少新知识。谢谢。
      • 极端的情况你要问清楚,由没有permit的浴室短路引起的火灾把全屋烧毁了,保险会不会给你理赔。
        • 谢谢提醒
        • 另外有permit的厕所里的插座按code要求必须有GFCI功能,使得如果发生意外经过人体的电流不会大于5毫安。如果没有安装这个在水环境的厕所里发生意外是能电死人的,不是吓唬。