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Tax the rich! 等等看今天有啥“大消息”

All that frittered wealth could be used to help with the economic recovery from the pandemic instead, says Guardian columnist Owen Jones

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 枫下觅巢 / Tax the rich! 等等看今天有啥“大消息” +1
    All that frittered wealth could be used to help with the economic recovery from the pandemic instead, says Guardian columnist Owen Jones
    • hehe , any news is not news anymore.
    • 钱总要花出去的,你不花,政府帮你花。所以聪明的有钱人就先捐了,还有个好名声
    • 肉联房主目前情绪稳定 +1
      • 肉联房猪大多数是政府廉租房部门的分支单位,不算啥有钱人。个别肉联大手大脚花钱的才是有钱人,比如老农
    • 单麦让有钱人去喝,我现在觉得还是龙舌兰比较好
    • 没有大消息,谁放大消息谁下台,前省长韦恩就是最好的例子。。 +1