I vaguely remember new wood burning stove is no longer permitted in Ontario. I think you meant gas burning one.
安省一直就是可以的。前提是所谓low emission。另外进气必须是单独从户外之间用管进气。
Ontario and the other Provinces continue to approve stoves with emissions up to 4.5g/hr beyond 2020.
The Nunavut Territory is the only area where there is no regulation with regards to wood heating.
For direct vent, the venting tube has an inner tube and an outer tube in one tube. One is for getting air in and one is for getting air out.
not working that well as the tube getting hot and the air will not coming down. The air will mostly come from the gaps between door and frames.
if $ is an issue, then I'd say, the interior doors to increase. OTherwise they will be very ugly and hard to change once move in. that's what I did for my house and advised by the builder.
traditional design model 也基本上是平顶的。只是旁边一点点斜顶。现在的设计二楼占用屋顶部分3~4尺的都有,不是平顶做不了。房子高度是限制死的,抬高只是占用屋顶的空间,是有限度的。往下挖是任意的。如果一楼要走7,8部楼梯的在多伦多绝对是平顶。就像这些房子一样。