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Tight market conditions prevailed throughout the GTA and broader Greater Golden Horseshoe in 2021, with a lack of inventory noted across all home types. The result was intense competition between buyers, pushing selling prices up by double digits year-over-year. Looking forward, the only sustainable way to moderate price growth will be to bring on more supply. History has shown that demand-side policies, such as additional taxation on principal residences, foreign buyers, and small-scale investors, have not been sustainable long-term solutions to housing affordability or supply constraints,” said TRREB Chief Market Analyst Jason Mercer.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 枫下觅巢 / 12月份月报,明年继续涨。 +3
    • 应该是今年继续涨, 明年还太远。
      • 对,站在12月份角度。供应少,十年周期到2027年。

        Tight market conditions prevailed throughout the GTA and broader Greater Golden Horseshoe in 2021, with a lack of inventory noted across all home types. The result was intense competition between buyers, pushing selling prices up by double digits year-over-year. Looking forward, the only sustainable way to moderate price growth will be to bring on more supply. History has shown that demand-side policies, such as additional taxation on principal residences, foreign buyers, and small-scale investors, have not been sustainable long-term solutions to housing affordability or supply constraints,” said TRREB Chief Market Analyst Jason Mercer.
        • 老百姓惜售的前提是自家账本可以收支平衡。如果利率在通货膨胀的逼迫下不得不快速上涨,普通老百姓在高利率和高物价的双重夹击下,如何维持收支平衡来养房才是要害。
          • 对的,租金的提高对冲了部分利息升高。利率怎么涨也是历史低利率。 +2
          • 高物价和高利率不大可能同时,放任房市才可以维持不高的利率和不高的物价
    • 经济全球化了,钱就是全球化。世界“一线城市”里,多伦多的房价摆在那的。还能涨多少,要看纽约,北京能不能降。
      • 关键是来的人多,新移民在源源不断增加。
        • 2020年加拿大人口增长了0.4%,也是自一战时期1916年以来最低的年度人口增长率。加拿大这点人口增长率不足以说明房价的猛涨 +1
          • 都WFH,在家网课,房子需求量大。。。周围最近2年买房子的很多,老房子不卖,租出去
          • 从16年开始就放松移民了,滞后效应刚刚反应出来,部分有钱的移民1-3年考虑买房,大部分5年左右开始买。
      • 北京周边腰斩了,政府扶持开发商手里的房子 +1
    • 虽然加拿大疫情严重,可是政府发这么多钱,都进房市了。。。去年从国外回加拿大定居的也不少。。。加拿大人没有了旅游吃喝玩乐消费,省下的钱,没地方花,只能换大房子享受了。。。
      • 投资要么股市要么房市。总不能让它贬吧。