In Ontario, many homeowners rent their water heater - but this is not a common practice elsewhere in Canada. Buying your own is a better financial decision than renting and buying your unit out pays off after 4 to 6 years.
In Ontario, many homeowners rent their water heater - but this is not a common practice elsewhere in Canada. Buying your own is a better financial decision than renting and buying your unit out pays off after 4 to 6 years.
以前租赁合同都在10年左右。现在是一直到用坏为止。都是一些骗子公司。而且在买房合约中预设的标准条款是买家接手租赁合约。经纪为了促成交易,会跟买家说没有什么好担心的都是标准条款,这样买家就放松了警惕了。感觉在这里坑人的东西很多,消费者一不小心就陷进去了。最好不要跟gas bill 捆绑在一起。等合约到期,就不再续约了,自己买个新的。买来时应该有厂家7年的保修。