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try this. yours may not be delta brand but you can research and find yours.

How to repair kohler shower push button diverter #DIY #shower #valve #pushbutton #kohler
Today we will show you how we fixed our loose kohler shower push button diverter.If you have any questions, leave comments below and we would love to answer ...

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 美丽家居 / 公寓浴室控制水流向的阀门的往外拉的把柄坏了(见图中标注红色的部分),请问哪里可以换,去了几个店都没找到


    • Rona
    • try this. yours may not be delta brand but you can research and find yours.
      How to repair kohler shower push button diverter #DIY #shower #valve #pushbutton #kohler
      Today we will show you how we fixed our loose kohler shower push button diverter.If you have any questions, leave comments below and we would love to answer ...
      • 我现在的问题是买不到配件,也不知是啥牌子
        • 你觉得网上论坛的朋友该怎么帮你?
        • 如果你去Rona买不到 那么你跑遍加拿大都买不到 你不先拆下来 咋知道到店里要买哪个啊?😅
          • 照片是在隔壁邻居家拍的,我家的给租客弄没了
    • 用钳子拔,
    • 找个有执照有保险的水管公司 (公寓修理电和水管系统都要有执照和有保险的技术工),把照片发给他们看,他们会处理的。可能要整个换掉。