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Biden targets all-cash home deals in anti-corruption drive - President Joe Biden ordered officials in June to step up the fight against corruption.

Their initial proposals are outlined in a 38-page U.S. national security strategy on countering corruption released Monday.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 枫下觅巢 / 这回美国房价会降了吧? +4
    • 加拿大房市将成为最大赢家 +1
    • 求出处
    • 美国房市主要还是内需占主要比例,不像加拿大靠全世界的移民,一些大城市会受些影响
    • 美国的全款买房占1/3, 也太高了吧,美国人太有钱了 +1
    • Too late, it seems only targeting new all-cash deals, Chinese bad ass officials and businessmen have moved away from the U.S markets dated back to the beginning of the trade war...