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Among the marching orders to Hussen was to dissuade Canadians from snapping up income properties by reviewing rules around down payments and policies to curb "excessive profits."

Hussen says tamping down on the rush for investment properties and flipping, as well as discouraging foreign investors from holding on to vacant homes, is also part of a push to rein in rising home prices.

He says the government would draw a line between mom and pop-style landlords and large real estate trusts that own hundreds of units as a passive investment vehicle and may not care whether they are occupied.

“The point is to reduce the speculative demand in the market and help cool these astronomical increases in prices,” Hussen said in an interview Tuesday.


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 枫下觅巢 / 这是真的吗?隔壁看到的 +4


    • 周五就有了,真的.不让外国人买房,会不会像17年四月加15%的税回调一波呢:拭目以待…
      • 外国人早就不买了。 +1
    • 现在是供需不平衡造成的暴涨,今年40万移民,明年40万移民,房子不够就只有涨了,外国人买房毕竟少数,转钱来 不容易的 +3
      • 同意这一个,这两年外国人进不来。但是政府想解决的空置我认为不少,留学生枫叶卡投资移民买来空着的不少。 +3
        • 空是因为租不出去,不肯低价出租,不然谁让房子空着。 +1
          • 不差钱的不少啊,没求租的就不少,庄得力很明白2017他就喊了一阵子
    • 没用 +8
    • 跟竞选政纲说的一样,短期会有些影响。 +2
    • 今天胡部长接受采访,重磅炸弹。

      Among the marching orders to Hussen was to dissuade Canadians from snapping up income properties by reviewing rules around down payments and policies to curb "excessive profits."

      Hussen says tamping down on the rush for investment properties and flipping, as well as discouraging foreign investors from holding on to vacant homes, is also part of a push to rein in rising home prices.

      He says the government would draw a line between mom and pop-style landlords and large real estate trusts that own hundreds of units as a passive investment vehicle and may not care whether they are occupied.

      “The point is to reduce the speculative demand in the market and help cool these astronomical increases in prices,” Hussen said in an interview Tuesday.

      • 如果说第一座房子政府补贴85%就好了,当然上限是房价1.5M。第二座房子政府收钱,20%的房价,第三座30%... 不信了治不了房价😂
        • 第一座补贴的钱,够拉平后面的好几座。。。。为什么要补贴,买不起的可以租。
          • 直奔共产主义...人人有房住... 不上漏洞,第二座房子交税85% +1
    • 这种大饼都要等到选举前才烤吧,现在还是画的。 +1
    • 就算是真的,对目前的房价也没啥用。真正的7寸是房贷政策,只要能带到钱,canadian们就能把房价送上天,还用的着外国人?什么供需啊,移民啊对目前的房价有贡献但可以忽略。 +2
      • 🙋‍♂️,房贷随便贷,其实是银行买房子。其余是助力 +1
    • 这个主要是要补贴首次购房,实际上是鼓励买房,盼跌一族等吧。明年再涨20%。 +2
    • 汽油等一系列物价都在疯涨政府都不管,政府也往汽油里加了好多税,汽油难道降价了?反正政府是赚到了。 +1
      • 這裡準不准外國人加油和買菜? +2