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Within the city you will find a diverse range of neighbourhoods and housing options for families, students and business people. Neighbourhoods are quiet and safe, with many green spaces and places to walk, bike or jog, and an abundance of parks and trails. While the price of real estate has been rising in the last few…

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 枫下觅巢 / 初到安省Peterborough工作找房,想分租一间,到哪里去找Peterborough的分租信息? +1
    • 看 local kijiji , Facebook market place rentals, 有没有当地华人报纸,网站
      • 想找华人家庭或者房东的房子分租,没有找到当地华人的网站。
        • 找找微信群。
          • 不认识Peterborough的华人,微信群更不知道如何找了,又不能搜索。也不知道那里华人多不多。
        • 当地有没有华人超市?看看门口广告贴纸
          • 还没去呢,不知道有没有华人超市。
            • 如果我没有搞错,Fleming college and Trent university 都在那里,去学校网站看看,off campus housing, 或者还有中国学生组织这些
    • 彼得堡中国人挺少的,我认识唯一一个住那儿的是多大上班的
      Within the city you will find a diverse range of neighbourhoods and housing options for families, students and business people. Neighbourhoods are quiet and safe, with many green spaces and places to walk, bike or jog, and an abundance of parks and trails. While the price of real estate has been rising in the last few…
      • 那咋整,如何解决交通?
        • 挺累的,单程2小时多,他孩子超多,只能买那儿的
    • 你找到分租的吗? 还是你要找单间?我家在Peterbough工作生活过5年, 有很多朋友. 你还需要帮助吗? 可以PM如果仍然需要. +3

      • 顶一下,看看他找到没有 +1
      • 借帖子请问一下,您有认识peterborough的华人经纪或者华人物业公司吗?可否介绍我认识一下,我有些关于peterboroughd 的问题想请教, 谢谢。
        • PMed
      • PMed, Please check your message.
        • PMed just now. Hope it is not too late.