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  • 最优利率和cashback可以申请特批,好信用好收入offer更好。请点链接扫码加微信咨询,Scotiabank -- Nick Zhang 6478812600。
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  • 最优利率和cashback可以申请特批,好信用好收入offer更好。请点链接扫码加微信咨询,Scotiabank -- Nick Zhang 6478812600。

*Below rates are based on a 25 year amortization or less

*We add 0.10% to above rates should you require or want a 30 year amortization ( only applicable if you put 20% down or more)
*We add 0.15% to above rates for rental properties
*We can hold fixed rates for 120 days
We can hold variable rates for 30 days
*We can hold quick close fixed rates for 60 days
Conventional Quick Close Special Rates ( Mortgage must fund within 60 days of the application date):
5 year fixed 2.59%
5 year variable flex 1.38% (prime – 1.07%)
Current Floor Rates:
1 year fixed 2.44%
2 year fixed 1.99%
3 year fixed 2.34%
4 year fixed 2.39%
5 year fixed 2.64%
7 year fixed 2.96%
10 year fixed 3.30%
3 year variable flex 1.43% (prime -1.02%)
5 year variable flex 1.48% (prime – 0.97%)

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 枫下觅巢 / 请教大家,出租房贷款,现在选什么样的利率比较好?谢谢
    • 有哪些选择?
      • 在下面,谢谢
    • 当然是越低越好。
    • *Below rates are based on a 25 year amortization or less
      *We add 0.10% to above rates should you require or want a 30 year amortization ( only applicable if you put 20% down or more)
      *We add 0.15% to above rates for rental properties
      *We can hold fixed rates for 120 days
      We can hold variable rates for 30 days
      *We can hold quick close fixed rates for 60 days
      Conventional Quick Close Special Rates ( Mortgage must fund within 60 days of the application date):
      5 year fixed 2.59%
      5 year variable flex 1.38% (prime – 1.07%)
      Current Floor Rates:
      1 year fixed 2.44%
      2 year fixed 1.99%
      3 year fixed 2.34%
      4 year fixed 2.39%
      5 year fixed 2.64%
      7 year fixed 2.96%
      10 year fixed 3.30%
      3 year variable flex 1.43% (prime -1.02%)
      5 year variable flex 1.48% (prime – 0.97%)
    • 投资房就选30年浮动 +1
      • 谢谢。我看了王红雨的视频,也觉得是30年浮动比较好。但是我这种情况是选5年浮动还是三年浮动呢?另外我还是没理解30年比25年好在哪里
        • 30年的话你的月付款低一些,你的负担轻一些。
          • 谢谢!但是我如果有闲钱想多还款也可以吧?有什么条款吗
            • 有闲钱也不用还投资房,既然是投资就尽量投入少,才能体现收益大。。。
              • 有道理,谢谢!
            • 当然可以,各大银行都有提前加速还款的条例,比如一年可另外还本金的15%或20%等。
              • 谢谢
        • 还款期越长越好,每月交的利息少,你不可能几十年还清贷款再卖的。
          • 谢谢信息! +1
    • 还有就是我希望我随时卖房,罚款较少的
      • 选浮动,便宜的那个 +2
        • 好的