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To people who want to move to the U.S. - Be killed or to kill

nGRzZKL93GI 据警方透露,当地时间周六凌晨(20 日),美国费城梅菲尔区的一名非裔男子在持枪抢劫一名华人男性未遂后死亡。事故发生在晚上 12 点 15 分左右,一名华人优步司机在 Sackett 街附近的 Longshore 大道下车准备回家时,三名非裔男子拿着枪指向他

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 枫下觅巢 / To people who want to move to the U.S. - Be killed or to kill
    nGRzZKL93GI 据警方透露,当地时间周六凌晨(20 日),美国费城梅菲尔区的一名非裔男子在持枪抢劫一名华人男性未遂后死亡。事故发生在晚上 12 点 15 分左右,一名华人优步司机在 Sackett 街附近的 Longshore 大道下车准备回家时,三名非裔男子拿着枪指向他
    • Don’t worry about it. I have been working and living in USA for more than 10 years and I keep feeling I am safe during these years. Chinese government keeps spreading misinformation to all chines-Americans that USA is dangerous!!! +2
      I would say USA is the safest country in the world! Please come and enjoy your stay in the US.
      • 25% of prisoners in this world are in the U.S. Let's put this into perspective by comparing apple to apple. Washington D.C vs Beijing or Singapore,
        New York City vs. Shanghai or Hong Kong, LA vs. Hangzhou or Qingdao... which cities are safe? Let's turn to countryside. Mississipi, Lousianna, Florida vs. Yunnan, Tibet.. which one is safe? If the U.S. is a safe place, why a large percentage of average Americans have guns? Would you rather going out on the street at 2 a.m. in Guangzhou or in LA?
        • People immigrated to USA because it is the safest country in the world. If not, why China government officers sent their children to USA? If not why the officers from communist party country have their children immigrated to USA?
          If not, why did you immigrate to Canada?
    • 这个有点片面 +2