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A Toronto-area regional council has adopted a legal amendment that would permit development in pockets of Ontario’s Greenbelt — a decision many worry will set a dangerous precedent for future development in and around the 2 million acres of protected land. On Oct. 28, York Regional Council — the political body that includes mayors and...

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  • 枫下家园 / 枫下觅巢 / 今天偶然读到约克区投票通过一个开发商要求开发greenbelt的提议。环境和经济,不知道最终结果会如何
    A Toronto-area regional council has adopted a legal amendment that would permit development in pockets of Ontario’s Greenbelt — a decision many worry will set a dangerous precedent for future development in and around the 2 million acres of protected land. On Oct. 28, York Regional Council — the political body that includes mayors and...
    • Oakville Glen Abbey 高尔夫球场的主人想把高尔夫球场开发成3000套新房,当地居民强烈反对,闹了好几年,最后在省政府的干预下高尔夫球场保住了。 +1
      After a lengthy battle, Oakville’s pristine and world-famous Glen Abbey golf course has been saved from redevelopment.
      • 好例子,开了这个破坏greenbelt建房的先例以后加拿大就变中国了。遇到投票的时候大家要坚决出来反对,不然权益和资产都没了。 +4
      • 没有人觉得高尔夫球场也很不环保吗?要维护商业目的的草坪需要下多少有毒的除草剂和化学计? +5