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The small bilingual community in northern Ontario started offering up vacant residential lots for only $500

With more and more people leaving major cities like Toronto over our insanely high home prices, many small Canadian towns are seeing an uptick in n...

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  • 枫下家园 / 枫下觅巢 / canadian-real-estate-is-now-a-bubble-on-top-of-a-bubble-us-federal-reserve/ +2
    Either the Canadian real estate bubble is now a bubble on a bubble, or old enough it should be in school. The US Federal Reserve (the Fed) released its quarterly exuberance index for Q1 2021. The index, used to determine country-level housing bubbles, shows Canada is well into one. The unusual circumstances make it unclear […]
    • 怎么办? +3
      • 假的lol +1
        • The small bilingual community in northern Ontario started offering up vacant residential lots for only $500
          With more and more people leaving major cities like Toronto over our insanely high home prices, many small Canadian towns are seeing an uptick in n...
          • 这篇文章用事实证明了加拿大要发展北部地区必须放水推高大城市地价房价,这样才能把人和企业引向外围寒冷小镇,一旦反向操作把大城市变成“宜居之地”,那大家当然会全部聚集了,这就是过去几十年白左思潮下外围小镇人口流失的原因。 +2
    • 卡总打压不力
      • 哈哈哈哈!
    • 美国联邦银行说加拿大地产泡泡多,是捣蛋吧?这里那些房赌搏家伙每天昏天黑地就说没有泡泡的,谁说有就和谁猴急上红眼的!😄。其实还是这些家伙太穷借的各种贷款太多给压的原因,现在见点来钱的就怕失去。更怕钱来忽然又去了,还再大出血。😄 +3
      • 美国地税比加拿大高很多,持有成本高很多,不容易持有很多房子
        • 错误,美国mortgage可以deduct税,美国很多人都有好几个房。区别是加拿大有小土豆 +3
          • 美国是自住房可以mortgage抵税?投资房呢?包括本金也可以抵税?
            • 难道加拿大的本金可以抵税?而且美国的captial gain可以carry到下一个房子
              • 美国黑人太多了,相当于这里Jane Finch
    • 你这捣蛋的泡泡哪里是泡泡?是铁蛋!把那些房赌博给捣的心脏病发大方了。都是房赌债太高压的! +2
      • 假的假的,博笑而已 +1
        • 名符其实
        • 还真有犯心脏病的啊?!你这一笑笑的泡泡是革命老相公调房奴妹情玩的吧?😄 +2
        • 打泡泡是耍流氓吧?还不好意思地坏笑! +1