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Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 枫下觅巢 / 美联储直言:房价一年涨25.6%是加拿大央行的耻辱! +3
    • 羡慕嫉妒。美国羡慕中国也就算了,现在连加拿大都嫉妒上了。 +6
    • 美联储言:作为发达工业国,加拿大对自身货币体系管理是最糟糕的没有之一。美联储甚至认为,放纵房价涨到这个程度,对有多种政策工具的国家来说就算很努力也未必能做到。加拿大没支柱经济,连续6季度衰退,大家只能去炒房。统计说地产占总GDP26%,滞涨带来金融危机? +4
      • 经济支柱就是中国,各路买房人马如过江之鲤,政客们赚得盆满钵满,胡言乱语。 +1
    • 美联储直言,能信? +1
      • 流行甩锅文化
    • 谣言,美联储有空管你这个?网上搜了一遍根本就没有英文相关报道。要真有的话,加拿大的菜价涨了30%木材涨了3倍他咋不提呢? +12
      • 美联储哪有闲心关心加拿大。加拿大算老几?某些人就是喜欢蹭美国。 +3
        • 对呀,老鲍自己都焦头烂额了,还来管你3000万人的地方涨了25%还点6 LOL
          • 老鲍挺爽的,美股又奔新高去了。他自己也大把投资呢,利国利己,多好呀。
      • 美联储骂街加拿大,得有多闲 +1
    • 少了一个“才"字。印钞机24小时加班,房子才涨这么少确实是耻辱。 +6
    • 一看就是谣言。 +2
    • 预计美国正考虑如何做一次世界性的资产系统配置和价格体系再洗牌。洗牌就需要把以美国为龙头经济,金融,期货和股市都得来个超级大幅震荡2到3年,高压收紧货币是最大手段与可能,世界所有资产崩溃,而现金为王。然后美国和西方宽松出面收拾局面。说加拿大房价上涨奇高 +1
      • 收割不了中国就只能收割自己的盟友了。澳洲那笔生意就惹毛了法国。 +1
        • 你这是那对哪?澳洲和法国?都是小家生意。后疫情期间,美国和西方必须要把宽松货币收回来的,怎么收?靠发展经济和税收?一定是不行,太累效率极低。最好最有效率的手段就是靠美元和西方资产定价霸权作金融资产定价震荡和洗牌,这样才会快速回收发出去的货币。这样对美国 +1
          • 习总书记应该请你当顾问。。。
            • 严冬在来临!
            • 习总?人家是美联储的顾问好吗🤣
          • 现在无非是炒高能源和大宗商品,想把通胀输出到中国让中国经济先于美国崩盘。中国已经严阵以待,限电限产争取把通胀反输美国。现在双方僵持,看谁的气长。 +2
            • 大陆政府已经批准工业电价上涨20%,有些地方是议价。能源价格汽油也是必须上涨。大陆已经通胀。
            • 哈哈哈哈 限电限产是为了把通胀反输美国😂 没见过这么红的。 +2
    • 有原文吗?
      • 给你google translate了一份 :-)

        [Written by FunHouses Guo Xing, Haofang.com]
        On October 12, local time, the Federal Reserve Bank of the United States issued a report stating that Canadian house prices have risen by 25.6% in the past year. This is a unique record among the seven most developed industrial countries in the world in the past 30 years, and it is a few blocks away from other industrial countries.

        30 years backwards from 2021 is 1991.

        The Federal Reserve reported that since 1991, there has never been a phenomenon of soaring housing prices in developed economies like Canada.

        The general economic theory believes that developed industrial countries are mature economies, and mature economies are like adults. Basically, there will be no open-ended rise in skill packages, but they may fall off a cliff in some ways.
        So Canadian house prices are rising like a stimulant, and the Fed thinks this is a very dangerous signal.

        Look at these two pictures to know what happened in the past 30 years and the past year.
        Canadian house prices have stood out in the G7 since 2005, but they have continued to rise in proportion to other economies for more than a decade. After 2020, Canada once again pulled an almost vertical upward curve, which is even straighter than the epidemic curve. .
        The key is do Canadians have so much money?
        The Fed's data shows that it certainly doesn't.

        Far aside, the minimum hourly wage in Washington State, the United States is $15, and the minimum hourly wage in BC, Canada is $15.2 Canadian dollars. If the Apple mobile phone is used as a reference, the purchasing power of hourly wages in the two places differs by nearly 30%.
        Worse still, the housing price on one side of Hepingmen is twice as high as that on the other side, but the residents on both sides are separated by only a one-foot-high boundary marker. The same piece of land, the same beach, but house prices and consumption indexes are worlds apart.

        The Fed stated that whether it is a horizontal comparison between the G7 or Canada's current and past ratios, the increase in housing prices cannot be explained by economic theory.

        In the second quarter of 2021, house prices rose 6.89% month-on-month and 25.6% year-on-year. If there is no bubble in Canadian housing prices, it means that the other six advanced industrial countries are in deflation.
        Regardless of the other five countries, Canada’s North American neighbor, the United States, can see that the peak annual increase in housing prices in the United States appeared in 2005, when it was 9.13%. For Americans, it has been sorrowful, but compared to Canada's housing price increase today, it is simply not worth mentioning.

        The G7's third highest annual housing price increase occurred in 1989, when Italy achieved nearly American results.

        The Fed bluntly said,
        As a developed industrial country, Canada's management of its own currency system is one of the worst.
        The Fed even believes that indulging housing prices to this level, it may not be possible for countries with multiple policy tools to work hard.
        Huang Sanshui said that in the previous period, some media reported that US housing prices were also rising sharply, but the so-called big increase in the United States was a 3.45% increase in housing prices in the second quarter of 2021 and a year-on-year increase of 7.75%. This is already the second highest house price increase in American history, second only to the peak in 2005.

        But who can say that the US economy is not recovering as fast as Canada?

        Therefore, the Fed believes that Canada's housing price increase is so high that it cannot be understood.

        At the end of the report, the Fed pointed out that the Bank of Canada's indulgent credit policy has led to a systemic collapse in the Canadian real estate market.
        The biggest suspense now is that if the Bank of Canada tightens its credit policy, Canadian house prices will rise or fall in the future. If they fall, how will they fall?

        • 捣蛋 -- 很有意思
    • 这个应该不是美联储的文章,是假新闻,读美联储的报告,没见过美联储以这种口气对其他经济体进行过评论。除非是直接出自美联储官网的,不必相信。