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  • 技多不压身,工到自然成:安省技工证书特训班,点击咨询报名!



  • Aim to have one million homes built across the country in the next three years
  • Ban foreign investors not living in or moving to Canada from buying homes for a two-year period, encourage foreign investment in affordable purpose-built rental housing
  • Encourage new market in seven-to-10-year mortgages to “provide stability” for first-time homebuyers and lenders
  • Will not tax Canadians’ capital gains on the sale of their principal residence
  • Adjust mortgage stress test to “stop discriminating” against small business owners, contractors and other non-permanent employees, including casual workers


  • Commit $1 billion in loans and grants towards rent-to-own projects
  • Introduce tax-free First Home Savings Account, which allows Canadians under 40 to save up to $40,000 toward their first home with no requirement to repay it
  • Give Canadians option of deferred mortgage loan as alternative to shared equity model and reduce monthly mortgage costs
  • Double the First-Home Buyers Tax Credit from $5,000 to $10,000
  • Reduce monthly mortgage costs by reducing price charged by Canadian Mortgage and Housing Corporation on mortgage insurance by 25 per cent. Liberal Party says this will save “a typical person” $6,100.
  • “Build, preserve or repair” 1.4 million homes in the next four years
  • Ban blind bidding
  • Ban new foreign ownership for the next two years
  • Expand the upcoming tax on vacant housing
  • Halt so-called renovictions by “deterring” unfair rent increases


  • Introduce 30-year terms on mortgages insured by Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation
  • Pledging 500,000 “quality, affordable” housing units within 10 years
  • 20 per cent tax on homes purchased by foreign buyers
  • Waive federal portion of GST/HST on construction of new affordable rental units
  • Double homebuyer’s tax credit to $1,500

Bloc Québécois

  • Invest one per cent of the Federal government’s annual revenue into social housing
  • Convert all unused federal properties in affordable social housing to fight the housing crisis
  • Introduce a new tax on real estate speculation


  • Appoint a housing advocate to ensure action within infrastructure of the federal government
  • Strengthen regulations in order to limit foreign investment and put an end to “predatory practices” in residential real estate
  • Refocus the core mandate of the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation towards supporting development of affordable non-profit and co-operative housing


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 枫下觅巢 / 各政党对加拿大房地产的计划:


    • The Liberals haven't released their election platform yet, but we can glean some clues from the government's 2021 budget, which doubles down on the government's National Housing Strategy introduced in 2017.
    • The budget included a commitment of $2.5 billion to create 35,000 affordable housing units, $1.5 billion of which is dedicated to the government's "rapid housing initiative," which seeks to build new affordable housing units much faster than is typically possible.
    • The Liberals also proposed a new tax targeting "underused" housing.


    • The Conservatives' election platform features a plan to build one million homes over three years, the conversion of at least 15 per cent of federal government property into housing and the creation of an Indigenous housing strategy.
    • A Conservative government would also bar foreign investors who are not living or moving to Canada from buying a home for at least the next two years.
    • The party also wants to encourage the offering of seven-to-10-year mortgages and to make tweaks to stress test and insurance requirements to help people qualify more easily for financing.


    • The NDP's housing platform is centred on a proposal to build 500,000 affordable homes over the next 10 years.
    • The party is also proposing a 20 per cent foreign buyer's tax on the sale of homes to individuals who are not Canadian citizens or permanent residents.
    • To help buyers get into the market, the party is also proposing the creation of 30-year mortgages insured by the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation.

    Green Party

    • The Green Party has not released its 2021 election platform yet, but the party has recently advocated for the federal government to redefine affordable housing using an updated formula.
    • The Greens have also proposed stronger regulation of foreign investments in real estate, and the creation of a federal "empty home tax" that would apply to foreign and corporate property owners who leave units vacant.
    • 假如就按这个计划,在住房议题上应该选自由党,房价会稳定增长;保守党的过分干预又会造成暴涨暴跌,再次卷入讲政治没饭吃最后只好妥协让房价暴涨的结果;NDP就是个智商甚忧的强盗,收永久居民20%的卖房税,想把移民都赶出国门的节奏。
      • 自由党还没有公布他们的计划或还没有计划。文中说了是根据自由党2021年的预算和2017年的房屋计划推估的。
        • 是的,看看吧,但估計會是現在政策的延續,今年房價暴漲沒見民怨沸騰,只見GTA的房主開香檳lol
    • 而且自由党表示 monetary policy 根本不是竞选优先选项,宽松政策继续,这一点才是关键。 +1
    • 从投资角度看,NDP > Conservative > Liberal/Green。长期房贷可以大量降低风险,是重大利好。其它的都是些暂时性的政策,也没什么效果,可以忽略。
    • 更新了。。。


      • Aim to have one million homes built across the country in the next three years
      • Ban foreign investors not living in or moving to Canada from buying homes for a two-year period, encourage foreign investment in affordable purpose-built rental housing
      • Encourage new market in seven-to-10-year mortgages to “provide stability” for first-time homebuyers and lenders
      • Will not tax Canadians’ capital gains on the sale of their principal residence
      • Adjust mortgage stress test to “stop discriminating” against small business owners, contractors and other non-permanent employees, including casual workers


      • Commit $1 billion in loans and grants towards rent-to-own projects
      • Introduce tax-free First Home Savings Account, which allows Canadians under 40 to save up to $40,000 toward their first home with no requirement to repay it
      • Give Canadians option of deferred mortgage loan as alternative to shared equity model and reduce monthly mortgage costs
      • Double the First-Home Buyers Tax Credit from $5,000 to $10,000
      • Reduce monthly mortgage costs by reducing price charged by Canadian Mortgage and Housing Corporation on mortgage insurance by 25 per cent. Liberal Party says this will save “a typical person” $6,100.
      • “Build, preserve or repair” 1.4 million homes in the next four years
      • Ban blind bidding
      • Ban new foreign ownership for the next two years
      • Expand the upcoming tax on vacant housing
      • Halt so-called renovictions by “deterring” unfair rent increases


      • Introduce 30-year terms on mortgages insured by Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation
      • Pledging 500,000 “quality, affordable” housing units within 10 years
      • 20 per cent tax on homes purchased by foreign buyers
      • Waive federal portion of GST/HST on construction of new affordable rental units
      • Double homebuyer’s tax credit to $1,500

      Bloc Québécois

      • Invest one per cent of the Federal government’s annual revenue into social housing
      • Convert all unused federal properties in affordable social housing to fight the housing crisis
      • Introduce a new tax on real estate speculation


      • Appoint a housing advocate to ensure action within infrastructure of the federal government
      • Strengthen regulations in order to limit foreign investment and put an end to “predatory practices” in residential real estate
      • Refocus the core mandate of the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation towards supporting development of affordable non-profit and co-operative housing

      • 保守党的政策比较实在。 +3
      • 自由党的万能药方:花你的钱,买你的票(你投它的票)。 +1
      • 保守党投资房延税和转银行取消stress test怎么不放上?还以为取消了。你这重点都没列,不是误导吗? +1
        • 投资房延税主要有什么好处?是可以用下一个投资项目抵税吗
          • Encouraging Canadians to invest in rental housing by extending the ability to defer capital gains tax when selling a rental property and reinvesting in rental housing
            • rental housing有什么好投资的,租金涨幅受限,未来还大量供应,租和售都是冤大头。
        • 没看到capital gain tax deferral,你在哪个网站看到的?这个算挺大的变化
          • 递延地产投资者资本利得税的方案。即,
            • 这个我知道,保守党的这次竞选党纲里有propose吗,楼上post的里没有
            • Thanks
          • capital gain tax deferral 还不够, 以前大赦过一年,在那一年内卖掉出租房不用交 capital gain tax。我就希望他们再来一次赦免就好了。
            • 是指life time capital gains exemption吗?好像总额不高,那时房价和capital gains没这么高,对政府税收影响不大,现在small business owners还是可以享受50万的exemption,个人没这等好事儿了😭
      • 以上是Bloomberg 的版本, 下面是Macleans 的版本:

        Liberal platform

        • Introduce First Home Savings Accounts for Canadians under 40 to save up to $40,000 toward their first house; deposits and withdrawals are tax-free. (source)
        • Give $1 billion in grants and loans to develop rent-to-own projects. (source)
        • Add the option of a deferred mortgage loan to the First Time Home Buyer Incentive. (source)
        • Reduce the price of home insurance by the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corp. by 25 per cent(source)
        • Double the Home Buyers Tax Credit to $10,000. (source)
        • “Build, preserve or repair” 1.4 million homes in four years, including more than doubling the funding to the National Housing Co-investment fund to $2.7 billion over four years and introducing a Multigenerational Home Renovation tax credit for families adding secondary units for relatives. (source)
        • Introduce a Home Buyers’ Bill of Rights that will ban blind bidding, create a legal right to a home inspection and ban new foreign ownership of homes for two years. (source)
        • Introduce a national tax of one per cent annually on the value of non-resident, non-Canadian owned residential real estate that is vacant or underused (source)
        • $2.5 billion and reallocate $1.3 billion in existing funding to help build, repair or support 35,000 housing units. (source)
        • Reallocate $300 million from the Rental Construction Financing Initiative to help convert excess commercial property to rental housing. (source)

        Conservative platform

        • Build a million homes in three years by switching 15 per cent of federal real estate to housing; incentivize the private sector to give land for affordable housing; require higher density near federally funded transit. (source)
        • Alter the “mortgage stress test” requirements to help contractors, casual workers etc.; remove stress test for homeowners switching mortgage lenders.  (source)
        • Create a federal residential ownership registry. (source)
        • Stop foreigners who don’t live in or aren’t moving to Canada from owning homes for two years. (source)
        • Increase the Home Accessibility Tax Credit to $10,000 per person. (source)

        NDP platform

        • Work toward ending homelessness within a decade. (source)
        • Spend $14 billion building 500,000 units of affordable housing in the next 10 years—half of them in the next five. (source)
        • Establish “fast-start funds” to streamline the application process to stimulate the creation of more co-op and non-profit social housing. (source)
        • Enact a 20 per cent Foreign Buyer’s Tax on the sale of homes to non-Canadian citizens or permanent residents. (source)
        • Provide up to $5,000 in annual rent subsidies for families (source)
        • Tighten rules on loans by the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation to help stop “renovictions.” (source)
        • Waive the federal portion of the GST/HST on the construction of new affordable rental units. (source)
        • Reintroduce 30-year terms for mortgages backed by the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation for “entry-level homes,” which the party says will allow for smaller monthly payments. (source)
        • Double the Home Buyer’s Tax Credit to $1,500. (source)
        • Provide model co-ownership agreements and offer CMHC-backed mortgages for co-ownership of homes. (source)
        • Establish a “public beneficial ownership registry” to increase transparency about property ownership, with the aim of fighting money laundering, and require the reporting of suspicious transactions. (source)

        Green platform

        • Apply tax on corporate owners of unoccupied residences, in addition to currently taxed foreign homeowners. (source)
        • Redefine the formula for “affordable” housing. (source)
        • Boost housing benefits, a federal-provincial program for rental assistance (source)
        • Appoint a Minister of Housing (source)
        • Appoint a federal housing advocate (source)
        • Declare homelessness and housing “national emergencies” (source)
        • Build and acquire at least 300,000 units of deeply affordable co-op and non-profit housing over 10 years (source)