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各政党这次竞选对房价的计划。 找不到中文版,英文版的发在这里没有人看 🙂


  • The Liberals haven't released their election platform yet, but we can glean some clues from the government's 2021 budget, which doubles down on the government's National Housing Strategy introduced in 2017.
  • The budget included a commitment of $2.5 billion to create 35,000 affordable housing units, $1.5 billion of which is dedicated to the government's "rapid housing initiative," which seeks to build new affordable housing units much faster than is typically possible.
  • The Liberals also proposed a new tax targeting "underused" housing.


  • The Conservatives' election platform features a plan to build one million homes over three years, the conversion of at least 15 per cent of federal government property into housing and the creation of an Indigenous housing strategy.
  • A Conservative government would also bar foreign investors who are not living or moving to Canada from buying a home for at least the next two years.
  • The party also wants to encourage the offering of seven-to-10-year mortgages and to make tweaks to stress test and insurance requirements to help people qualify more easily for financing.


  • The NDP's housing platform is centred on a proposal to build 500,000 affordable homes over the next 10 years.
  • The party is also proposing a 20 per cent foreign buyer's tax on the sale of homes to individuals who are not Canadian citizens or permanent residents.
  • To help buyers get into the market, the party is also proposing the creation of 30-year mortgages insured by the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation.

Green Party

  • The Green Party has not released its 2021 election platform yet, but the party has recently advocated for the federal government to redefine affordable housing using an updated formula.
  • The Greens have also proposed stronger regulation of foreign investments in real estate, and the creation of a federal "empty home tax" that would apply to foreign and corporate property owners who leave units vacant.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 枫下觅巢 / 最近房价要跌,各位买房的稍微再等等。 +7
    • how do you know +1
      • 天机不可泄露 +1
        • 我每天看房子, 没觉得房价跌。 +2
          • 利息没涨就会继续涨,利息涨不会跌(应该会横盘) +2
      • 等来的将是至少10%涨幅 +3
      • 酒后都是分析师,梦中皆为缔造者 +8
        • 😂😂😂
    • 你应该找经纪看看房子再说。
      • 我们在看king city的房子,你看了哪里的? +1
    • 说说理由吧 +1
    • 歪?
    • 最近房子又涨了,库存太少,疫情没完没了。周边已经抢的一塌糊涂。如果九月没有大量上市的话,年底又是10% +3
    • 加拿大房市最大的风险在政府,政策性打压不可预计。如果大部分的选民都觉得房价太离谱,而且觉得房价是竞选的主要议题,那各政党就会争先恐后推出各种招式打压房价来吸票 +9
      • 正解。投资房地产的风险之一。 +2
        • 我怎么不看好房市的未来啊?加拿大这次房市的暴涨不是地区性的,而是全国性的暴涨,包括了偏远小镇,对年轻人的冲击是全国性的,让TA们逃无可逃。如果全国人都觉得房价涨得离谱,那就表示政客快要动手了,只是目前大家的注意力还集中在疫情上,但高通胀导致的生活艰辛, +6
          民众需要1个合理的答案和出气口,很快政府就需要房价来背这口锅来,栽赃高房价肯定也是政府最 convenient 的 excuse
          • 打压房东对政府来说风险最小 +1
            • 这次高通胀导致的民艰怨恨,肯定不是打压房东这种小打小闹就能敷衍过去的,咱拭目以待吧
            • 其实就是新一轮割韭菜。 +1
        • 政府承受不了打压房价的恶果。谁打压谁下台。韦婆子就是前车之鉴。 +1
      • 还是多伦多的property tax 太低了,如果涨到 windsor,就会有一些人就消停了
        • 跟property tax没毛关系,就是土豆只管闭着眼睛收票蛆,却不管安置;大学也只管闭着眼睛收留学生,也不管TA们住哪。都是政府政策性失衡的问题 +2
          • 房价跟property tax没毛关系? 多新鲜啊... +1

            按多伦多现在房子均价和windsor 的 地税,多伦多的要每月多交1000加元的地税...


            • 你说的有道理。Windsor地税这么高啊?我只是拿大多地区的情况来分析,觉得地税不是关键点,是市场供求关系失衡了。但未来政府打压房价的手段就可能包括猛加地税哦
              • 猛加地稅那房租就更猛了,房東有了額外加租的理由,承受不了高地稅的人會賣房改租房,那樣更加民怨沸騰。你要說加建更多經濟適用房,就是逼著人們降低生活水準去住那些低端經濟房,為啥會這樣?因為錢被罪惡的政府吸走了。 +3
      • 各政党这次竞选对房价的计划。 找不到中文版,英文版的发在这里没有人看 🙂 +1


        • The Liberals haven't released their election platform yet, but we can glean some clues from the government's 2021 budget, which doubles down on the government's National Housing Strategy introduced in 2017.
        • The budget included a commitment of $2.5 billion to create 35,000 affordable housing units, $1.5 billion of which is dedicated to the government's "rapid housing initiative," which seeks to build new affordable housing units much faster than is typically possible.
        • The Liberals also proposed a new tax targeting "underused" housing.


        • The Conservatives' election platform features a plan to build one million homes over three years, the conversion of at least 15 per cent of federal government property into housing and the creation of an Indigenous housing strategy.
        • A Conservative government would also bar foreign investors who are not living or moving to Canada from buying a home for at least the next two years.
        • The party also wants to encourage the offering of seven-to-10-year mortgages and to make tweaks to stress test and insurance requirements to help people qualify more easily for financing.


        • The NDP's housing platform is centred on a proposal to build 500,000 affordable homes over the next 10 years.
        • The party is also proposing a 20 per cent foreign buyer's tax on the sale of homes to individuals who are not Canadian citizens or permanent residents.
        • To help buyers get into the market, the party is also proposing the creation of 30-year mortgages insured by the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation.

        Green Party

        • The Green Party has not released its 2021 election platform yet, but the party has recently advocated for the federal government to redefine affordable housing using an updated formula.
        • The Greens have also proposed stronger regulation of foreign investments in real estate, and the creation of a federal "empty home tax" that would apply to foreign and corporate property owners who leave units vacant.
        • 自由党的看起来可行点
        • 从不信政客会真认真去建安置房,这种长期工程吃力不讨好,1个党启动还没开工就下台了,胜利的果实让别党去捡?这傻事没人做的。TA们真要想解决难民安置问题其实很简单,每个builder交10%在建房做安置房,抵现在的天价开发费。可政客谁舍得吐出吃到嘴的真金白银去办实事啊? +4
          • 所以其他政党的安置房计划更加是空中楼阁,反正是拉穷人的选票,穷人也看不见这些弯弯
            • 😄安置房的问题是永远都解决不了的,政客不会去建房的,只会治标不治本的加税加税再加税,既打压房价赢了选票,又收到银子赢了口袋,政客永远只会做加税这种赢2次的事,治本的实事谁做谁下台,还记得傻子Rob Ford的下场不? +3
          • 好像保守党没有计划建安置房
      • 是的,房屋市场和股市类似,房子就是股票,制造焦虑,炒作,政治因素都是影响房价的因素。的, +2
      • 现在房价己关系到民生,已经严重影响到了老百姓的生活,导致老百姓生活成本大幅上升,所以房市政策是左右这次大选的关键,谁的政策好谁得民心 +5
        • 小土豆6年不作为,房市一团糟,大选开始后又突然关心房市了。 +2
          • 土豆说:啥话题热,俺就炒啥;反正保守党吹建139万套安置房,咱就吹140万套… +1
        • 为什么没有人对10年不涨的薪水提出质疑呢。解决问题为什么不可以把收入逐步提高到房价涨幅的同比例。房价跳水影响的是几乎各个行业,大家都得不到什么好处。
          • 涨薪水是基于公司的业绩,现在除了一些科技龙头企业,谁还有多大的业绩?靠政府立法,增加最低工资来追上房价,是天方夜谭。 +5
            • 现在最大的矛盾就是实体经济越烂,房市股市越暴躁,因为资金没地方投。土豆执政的这6年,房市失控其实正说明了经济的失控… +1
            • 当然不是提高最低工资,而是中间80%的工资。现在大部分钱被极少数高管和有钱投资的股东拿走了,在房价和资产急速增值面前,普通工作已然成了鸡肋
              • 在目前的经济形势下,普通工薪阶层加薪能够跟上通胀的步伐,就已经是很幸运了,大幅度加薪,比如50%或者翻番跟上房市的增长幅度,那得先实现无米之炊的理想。
              • 提高中间80%的工资? 好好想想,可能吗? +2
              • 共产主义马上就实现了,直接抢不是更简单,还不寄予政府
        • 嗯,几大政党都拿房价说事儿,是比较少见的。 +1
    • 政府基本没有什么调控力度,看看BC就知道了,关键还是借贷成本,看什么时候美联储加息了。
      • 拯救加拿大的房市还要靠美联储.加息搞定