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Does a landlord have to notify a tenant of a rent increase?
Yes. In order for a landlord to increase the rent, the landlord must give a written notice of rent increase to the tenant at least 90 days before the day the rent increase is to start. The notice must tell the tenant how much the new rent will be and when to begin paying the new rent. If the tenant thinks that the new rent is too high and they do not want to pay it, this allows the tenant enough time to give the landlord proper notice of termination and move out before the rent increase begins.


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 枫下觅巢 / 公寓又要涨房租了,我能拒绝吗?请熟悉安省租务条例的筒子指教。
    • 我印象中安省每年是有个guide的,房东可以涨多少房租,以前大约是3%。此外去年地税普遍下调了,这个下调的部分房东应该减掉
    • No you can't. It's within limit.
      • 即使在法律允许的涨幅内,租客如果有合理理由的话,有权利拒绝吗?至少在魁省貌似是有。
        • 人家也可以给你3个月的书面通知让你搬家. 这个是一个双向选择.
          • 我的理解,公寓管理公司没有权利因为房租争议让你搬家,不知道说清楚了没有
            • 安省这边的规矩是提前90天通知住客,如果不满意您可以搬走。

              Does a landlord have to notify a tenant of a rent increase?
              Yes. In order for a landlord to increase the rent, the landlord must give a written notice of rent increase to the tenant at least 90 days before the day the rent increase is to start. The notice must tell the tenant how much the new rent will be and when to begin paying the new rent. If the tenant thinks that the new rent is too high and they do not want to pay it, this allows the tenant enough time to give the landlord proper notice of termination and move out before the rent increase begins.

              • 谢谢指点,魁省也不是永远不涨,如果双方无法达成共识,就要寻求仲裁了