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Some in the industry are raising concerns about the strange, blistering pace of the local real estate market. ‘There could be a bubble’ one brokerage ...

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 枫下觅巢 / CMHC:从先前预测2021年房价将下降,现在改为预测房价将📈。 +1
    Some in the industry are raising concerns about the strange, blistering pace of the local real estate market. ‘There could be a bubble’ one brokerage ...
    • 央行和MPAC这二十年来,年年喊狼来了,谁信谁傻,谁不信谁也是傻。MPAC的预报根本就不是算东西,最多算个屁。既不用信它也不用不信它,当它不存在就是了
      • 就像卖基金的advisor,股市跌了让入场抄底,股市涨了还是让你入场说要follow趋势
    • cmhc已经是笑话了。标准反向指标,他们说要涨,我是不会买房的。 +5