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Do Not Use Gifted Money or Inheritance for the Matrimonial Home Most importantly,

you should never put gifted or inherited money toward the matrimonial home and, if you inherit or are gifted a home, never move into it as a matrimonial home.

The Family Law Act treats the matrimonial home differently from all other property. Its value will always be shared between the spouses unless a valid domestic contract stipulates otherwise. Therefore, if you use inherited money to pay down your mortgage; as a down payment on your home; on a home line of credit; or even on renovations for the home, then you will no longer be able to exclude those funds.

See our article "The Matrimonial Home" for more information about the unique treatment of the family home under the law.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 枫下觅巢 / 父母一代省吃俭用遗产留给孩子,最大遗产就是房子。下一代结婚,你们会建议下一代做婚前财产公证吗?
    • 我给你出个主意,一家出一百万,2百万买个房子,多的他们自己贷款。不就得了?
      • 如果势均力敌还可以 一旦一方拿不出这个钱 你也不想下一代离婚要瓜分财产不公平吧
        • 那你就不要省吃俭用留房子啦😄这样就是对方心里不平衡啦 +13
        • 那就不出钱,让他们折腾去。 +5
        • 发达国家就是因为不鼓励离婚,所以才会有离婚各分一半的法律。你这还没结婚就在考虑离婚,结什么婚呢,一直同居一辈子不久得了。小孩可以照样生,多少个都没关系。
    • 0元租 +2
    • 买个人寿,孩子出生时就是二百万富翁
    • 一方父母的遗产不算夫妻双方的共同财产,离婚时不作为共同财产分割。 +2
      • 好嘛天朝的法律也搬过来。在安省,夫妻居住的自有房屋,不管来源或者在谁名下,就是共同财产。
        • 请您Google: inheritance marital property
          • Do Not Use Gifted Money or Inheritance for the Matrimonial Home Most importantly, +1
            you should never put gifted or inherited money toward the matrimonial home and, if you inherit or are gifted a home, never move into it as a matrimonial home.

            The Family Law Act treats the matrimonial home differently from all other property. Its value will always be shared between the spouses unless a valid domestic contract stipulates otherwise. Therefore, if you use inherited money to pay down your mortgage; as a down payment on your home; on a home line of credit; or even on renovations for the home, then you will no longer be able to exclude those funds.

            See our article "The Matrimonial Home" for more information about the unique treatment of the family home under the law.
            • 正解,只要不给孩子买婚房。
              • 和买婚房没关系。继承的房子孩子夫妻搬进去住作为夫妻的住所,就是共同财产了。
                • 那是如果娃这么傻,非要这么操作也没办法。一般父母去世,娃都50,60岁了吧,有自己房和娃了吧 +1
        • 本人很年轻时就离开天朝了,那国家是啥法律本人不清楚 +1
        • 你是把遗产和父母给买的婚房混淆了
    • 一定一定
    • 不光财产公证,还得要求孩子每周来家吃饭,每次回来给老爹1000个hugs.。儿媳妇嫉妒也不许表达。 +3
      • 这点最重要。1000个hug,少一个都不行 +1
    • 活到八九十岁才能成遗产吧?到时孩子也都六七十岁了,该留给孙辈了
    • 时间上有点不对啊?子女结婚的时候父母还没死,谈不上遗产,谈什么公证?顶多是子女免费住着,等你百年之后才过户呢。 +6
      • 你说的是正常情况,现在不是Covid-19情况特殊嘛,也可能是老的先走了这部分遗产将来会做为新房。
    • 那是中产阶级的烦恼。
    • 建议做,不管对方财富多或者少于你的
    • 如果下一代的另一方碰巧多挣了三五斗呢?这么搞不是要把别人吓跑 +2
    • 记得以前见过讨论,安省婚前房产不算共有财产,但是房子的增值部分算。比如四十万的房子没有房贷的话,住了10年,涨到了60万, 离婚的时候就得给没房的那一方10万。如果有一半房贷,另一半婚后还清的话,那就得给20万。 +1
      • 婚房不一样。婚房都是都是对半分
    • 这里有婚前公证这一说法么?好像只有婚前协议。很多中国人接受不了婚前协议,章子怡不就是因为那个犹太男友要她签婚前协议而分手的么?不过可以找一个外国人结婚,他们不在乎协议不协议的。