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Canadian real estate price forecasts are so volatile, even the same firms can’t decide. RBC‘s senior economist released their real estate forecast, showing big gains for 2021. The forecast is contrary to the numbers RBC execs stated to investors, just last month. It’s not uncommon to have forecasts with different outcomes. However, it’s rare to […]

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  • 枫下家园 / 枫下觅巢 / 谁的水平高?RBC Execs Call Falling Real Estate Prices, While Their Economist Says They’ll Rise.
    • Nobody. 一个硬币的两面。预测就是猜测, 正确与否只和运气相关!
    • 可能说得并不是一回事
      • 原文
        Canadian real estate price forecasts are so volatile, even the same firms can’t decide. RBC‘s senior economist released their real estate forecast, showing big gains for 2021. The forecast is contrary to the numbers RBC execs stated to investors, just last month. It’s not uncommon to have forecasts with different outcomes. However, it’s rare to […]
        • 谢谢分享,预测确实不容易
    • 那个Execs是管风控的肯定这么说啦,难道在他的位置他会说没事,今年将大涨,你们不用防备,尽管把钱贷出去吗。