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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!
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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

这是美国释放出来的可能涨息信号,所以加拿大央行如何行动很难说。Mortgage rates poised to rise as U.S. Treasury yields surge.

LOS ANGELES — The long period of record-low rates on home loans could soon be over.Long-term bond yields, which can influence interest rates on mortgages and other consumer loans, are climbing this month amid expectations of higher U.S. government spending on pandemic relief and an economy recovery as more people get vaccinated for COVID-19.The yield on the 10-year Treasury briefly hit 1.18% earlier this week. That’s up from less than 0.90% at the start of the year and the highest since last March. Yields rise when bond prices fall.Economists forecast further modest mortgage rate rises this year. While that's unlikely to derail the red-hot housing market, it could make it tougher for would-be homebuyers.“As bright as the prospects are for the economy after vaccines have reached critical mass, there are still a lot of economic sore spots that we have to work through between now and then,” said Greg McBride, chief financial analyst at Bankrate. “It’s still going to be a very low-rate environment, even for long-term rates like mortgages.”Home loan rates tend to track moves in the 10-year Treasury yield. Damage from the coronavirus pandemic on the U.S. and global economies fueled demand for U.S. bonds, pushing their yields lower. As a result, home loan rates also fell through most of 2020.The average rate on the benchmark 30-year fixed-rate home loan rose to 2.79% this week from a record low of 2.65% last week, according to mortgage buyer Freddie Mac. The rate stood at 3.65% a year ago. It’s now at the highest level since mid-November.McBride forecasts that the average rate on a 30-year mortgage will rise to 3.1% by the end of the year. That’s in line with the National Association of Realtors’ outlook and close to the 3.2% forecast from the Mortgage Bankers Association.Record-low mortgage lending rates helped fuel a housing boom last summer after a brief slowdown in the spring due to the coronavirus lockdowns.As of November, sales of previously occupied U.S. homes were nearly 26% higher than a year earlier, according to NAR. The red-hot housing market has left the number of available properties for sale at record lows, which has contributed to a sharp increase in home prices. In November, the U.S. median home price was $310,800, up nearly 15% from a year earlier, according to NAR.Mortgage rates have a ways to go before climbing back to where they were even a year ago. That means homeowners may still be able to benefit from refinancing at a lower rate.Of course, rising mortgage rates diminish homebuyers’ buying power, especially as home prices continue to rise.“This rapid uptick has likely unnerved many home shoppers, particularly those at the financial margin, who currently face a hotly competitive market in which prices are rising at their fastest pace in decades,” said Matthew Speakman, an economist at Zillow.Speakman cautions that rates remain historically low and could change direction again.“As has been the case for months, the path forward for mortgage rates, and indeed the economy, will be dictated by our ability to contain and treat COVID-19 as well as improvement in the labour markets,” he said. “Absent meaningful progress on those fronts, there remains a limit to how much higher mortgage rates will head in the near future.”Alex Veiga, The Associated Press

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  • 枫下家园 / 枫下觅巢 / 这是美国释放出来的可能涨息信号,所以加拿大央行如何行动很难说。Mortgage rates poised to rise as U.S. Treasury yields surge. +2
    LOS ANGELES — The long period of record-low rates on home loans could soon be over.Long-term bond yields, which can influence interest rates on mortgages and other consumer loans, are climbing this month amid expectations of higher U.S. government spending on pandemic relief and an economy recovery as more people get vaccinated for COVID-19.The yield on the 10-year Treasury briefly hit 1.18% earlier this week. That’s up from less than 0.90% at the start of the year and the highest since last March. Yields rise when bond prices fall.Economists forecast further modest mortgage rate rises this year. While that's unlikely to derail the red-hot housing market, it could make it tougher for would-be homebuyers.“As bright as the prospects are for the economy after vaccines have reached critical mass, there are still a lot of economic sore spots that we have to work through between now and then,” said Greg McBride, chief financial analyst at Bankrate. “It’s still going to be a very low-rate environment, even for long-term rates like mortgages.”Home loan rates tend to track moves in the 10-year Treasury yield. Damage from the coronavirus pandemic on the U.S. and global economies fueled demand for U.S. bonds, pushing their yields lower. As a result, home loan rates also fell through most of 2020.The average rate on the benchmark 30-year fixed-rate home loan rose to 2.79% this week from a record low of 2.65% last week, according to mortgage buyer Freddie Mac. The rate stood at 3.65% a year ago. It’s now at the highest level since mid-November.McBride forecasts that the average rate on a 30-year mortgage will rise to 3.1% by the end of the year. That’s in line with the National Association of Realtors’ outlook and close to the 3.2% forecast from the Mortgage Bankers Association.Record-low mortgage lending rates helped fuel a housing boom last summer after a brief slowdown in the spring due to the coronavirus lockdowns.As of November, sales of previously occupied U.S. homes were nearly 26% higher than a year earlier, according to NAR. The red-hot housing market has left the number of available properties for sale at record lows, which has contributed to a sharp increase in home prices. In November, the U.S. median home price was $310,800, up nearly 15% from a year earlier, according to NAR.Mortgage rates have a ways to go before climbing back to where they were even a year ago. That means homeowners may still be able to benefit from refinancing at a lower rate.Of course, rising mortgage rates diminish homebuyers’ buying power, especially as home prices continue to rise.“This rapid uptick has likely unnerved many home shoppers, particularly those at the financial margin, who currently face a hotly competitive market in which prices are rising at their fastest pace in decades,” said Matthew Speakman, an economist at Zillow.Speakman cautions that rates remain historically low and could change direction again.“As has been the case for months, the path forward for mortgage rates, and indeed the economy, will be dictated by our ability to contain and treat COVID-19 as well as improvement in the labour markets,” he said. “Absent meaningful progress on those fronts, there remains a limit to how much higher mortgage rates will head in the near future.”Alex Veiga, The Associated Press
    • GTA12月房市均价比11,10,9,8,7,6,5都低,仅仅和4月平。GTA12月均价同比比7,8,9,10月同比都低3个或多百分点。这还是在销售率与挂牌上升时候,说明买家没有钱来源和杠杆度了,只能考虑低价房。如果利率再上升,估计高杠杆投机房奴连稀粥都吃不起了。 +13
      • 12 月本来价格低。哪有像你这样比的!看来在地下室呆太久,脑子不转了! +7
        • 😄😁😆 +2
        • 人家这样比了20年了 年年都崩 爽死了已经 +3
          • 这喝稀粥的也跳出来了! +2
        • 喝稀粥的跳出来了!会看TRREB图标吗?脑子发木看不懂估计100%是稀粥喝多了脑子没营养!可怜啊! +1
    • 这个你放心,联储肯定会加码购债力度甚至采用长期曲线控制以压低利率(蓝营全面掌控议会更容易迫使联储行动),直到经济一切恢复正常,长期通胀率高于2%才会考虑停手。利率飞不起来。 +3
      • 谢谢。
      • 美联储主席鲍威尔周四在出席线上活动中表示,除非出现令人不安的通胀和失衡,否则将不会加息。美联储加息时间点“不会很快到来”,经济离美联储的目标还很远。 +3
      • 给你加1吧。我也认为fed会这么做。但不过是膨胀fed资产负债表来维持个表面太平。可fed吃这么多,也不怕撑死。美国越来越严重的债务内部化,再加上美元全球占有率的下降,资金泛滥难道不会反噬美国吗? +2
        • 现在有两个现象已经越来越清晰,那就是美元贬值和全世界原物料价格暴涨。美国会面临无法回避的输入型通胀。请问fed 又能怎么办? +4
          • 我观察fed的策略是先负债挺经济,等经济恢复了美元自然走强同时压低输入型通胀,最近这几天很多机构已经削减了美元的空头头寸,估计这波下跌开始见底了。
        • 关键现在很多国家都这么做,就看谁更不要脸了 😀😀😀