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Canadians are the most confident in more than three years that real estate prices will continue to rise, according to weekly telephone polling, a positive signal for the recovery.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 枫下觅巢 / 看来房价是跌不了了。加拿大的信心指数又创新高。 +1
    Canadians are the most confident in more than three years that real estate prices will continue to rise, according to weekly telephone polling, a positive signal for the recovery.
    • 很多时候是有心无力啊, 有这心没这实力啊 +6
      • 现在利率低到白借,信心的来源。 +2
    • 近期房价涨,利率低房源少,造成买家有恐慌心理,但投资者真的信心很高吗?从很多实例上看并非如此。 +5