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本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛“The province of B.C., and other provinces, do not like the fact that a small minority of these immensely wealthy families are technically living under the poverty line in multimillion-dollar homes, and entitled to GST credits, child tax credits, and you name it. But the [dollar] numbers don’t present a business case to do anything about it.”
This disappoints me.

Ten years ago, about one-third of my neighborhood was purchased by exactly these families.

The fathers live in China and the wife and / or kids live in Canada. They live in homes worth $4.0 - $10.0 million and declare little or no Canadian income.

I am taxed on my income, then effectively taxed a second time to support these free-loaders.

Compounding matters, locals have to purchase real estate with after tax dollars. Foreign buyers effectively purchase housing at a 50% discount because they never paid Canadian taxes on the money to buy this real estate.

This is not a small matter to be ignored!
So, one early piece of information emerging from the new scrutiny is that close to twenty per cent of recently built condos in the city of Vancouver are owned by a person who actually lives in a foreign country.

In other words, it is not a home, it is instead a garish cross between a secret bank account at tax time and a personal hideaway at excursion time.

So much for the prattle from the distractors and apologists over the years, who kept insisting to us that money from outside of Canada only accounted for a few percent at most of real estate purchases in Vancouver (roll eyes)...
Hmmm....wasn't the real estate association in BC claiming the rate of foreign ownership was less than 5 percent?

I hope the federal government goes ahead with the foreign buyers tax and ignore the developers who are against it. It has to be a whole of Canada approach to limiting foreign ownership of residential properties or it becomes a fire that just spreads to other areas of the country.
About time, should have been done years/a decade ago. I hope the CRA/govts are aggressive in going after those individuals/corporations that owe money or are dumping criminal proceeds into real estate.

Governments have been asleep at the switch on these issues for years, I'm sure due to the fact that they've been beneficiaries of political donations from the real estate industry.

3 days ago
Agree completely. Ontario/Toronto should be doing all the same things as BC/YVR. Else the bad money will just shift east
Banning foreign buyers is probably the best thing to do right now as we have allowed this to go on for far too long. Should the govt. not have the courage to take such a bold measure as NZ has done, we should revisit the taxes on such. A 2% tax on satellite families is a joke. 2% on a 2 million dollar house works out to $40,000. A similar Canadian family who lived in a $2 million dollar home would easily have to pay at least $150,000 in taxes / yr based on qualification for mortgage. The discrepancy is too huge and the satellite families are making out like bandits. While this may appear xenophobic, I also feel that Canada should stop Chinese immigration immediately. They have brought us more societal problems than anyone else.

3 days ago
Right on - making their income in China, and declaring tax-exemption income here. We are so stupid for allowing this to go on.
Industrial Research
3 days ago
Just tax foreign ownership differently.

Don't bother with the SVT, it is far too easy to dodge. Foreign owners can simply pretend to receive rent from relatives in Canada, then return the "rent".更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

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  • 枫下家园 / 枫下觅巢 / Foreign ownership registry a game changer in B.C. say real estate insiders
    According to the province, the Land Owner Transparency Registry is the first in the world to require ownership disclosure of land that is owned by corporations, partners and trustees
    • 全文:
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Recent government action to force transparency of property ownership in B.C. had outspoken immigration lawyer Richard Kurland so impressed that he fired off a letter to the Premier.

      “It’s game over. It’s huge,” Mr. Kurland says. “It means you can’t hide international capital in B.C. real estate. And it’s about gosh darn time, because there were so many players who benefitted from being blind … including individuals who were able to hide capital, to hide profits from the tax authorities of Canada and their home countries.”

      According to the province, the Land Owner Transparency Registry, which came into effect on Nov. 30, is the first in the world to require ownership disclosure of land that is owned by corporations, partners and trustees – also known as beneficial ownership.

      It is one action among several that have been taken over the past couple of years to bring transparency, combat domestic and international tax evasion and money laundering, and make living in B.C. more affordable by encouraging property owners to rent out their properties instead of keeping them vacant, Mr. Kurland said in his e-mail to Premier John Horgan. B.C. is leading the way with unique measures designed to close system loopholes and bring housing back to the local market.

      Mr. Kurland believes that the registry was so significant that its Nov. 30 launch played a major role in driving the currently hot property market in Metro Vancouver. Buyers were eager to make purchases under the cloak of beneficial ownership before the registry came into effect, he says.

      B.C., said Mr. Kurland, is the “intentional guinea pig” for all housing markets disrupted by the inflow of global wealth. The new registry means the government will finally know who owns what, and hold those owners accountable for their fair share of taxes. If owners don’t comply, the land title won’t be registered.

      Mr. Kurland has for many years been studying the role of foreign money in the Vancouver market and the resulting exclusion of local income earners from home ownership, also known as the “decoupling” of incomes from housing.

      The registry is the most recent move among a long list of measures designed to quell untaxed foreign money that had flowed into the Lower Mainland real estate market over the past decade with scant oversight, accountability or traceability. Tax laws that had been designed to protect local citizens had not been enforced. Data had not been collected to support policies that would end loopholes in the system. The Canadian Housing Statistics Program (CHSP), which has been churning out data for the past two years, changed that.

      Andy Yan, director of Simon Fraser University’s city program, says the CHSP finally provided meaningful numbers on the extent of non-resident ownership in B.C. and Ontario.

      “One of the stunning statistics it just discovered was how 17 per cent of recently built condos in the city of Vancouver were owned by at least one owner who did not live in Canada,” Mr. Yan says.

      The other game changer was the Speculation and Vacancy Tax that, importantly, required a declaration of income taxes being paid in Canada. The SVT is a 2-per-cent annual surtax on homes owned by either foreign nationals or satellite families. A satellite family is a household that is earning more than 50 per cent of their income outside Canada. The government, and Canada Revenue Agency, can now cross-reference who’s paying income tax, and therefore who qualifies for capital gains tax exemptions, Mr. Kurland says.

      The province has credited the tax for helping to drive home prices down 5.6 per cent in the first quarter of 2019. B.C. also charges foreign owners a 20-per-cent property transfer tax and the city of Vancouver has its own Empty Homes Tax of 1.25 per cent on properties left empty for half the year. The city of Toronto announced last week that it is looking at a vacant home tax to increase housing supply.

      Also last week, the federal Liberal government announced as part of its fiscal report a proposal for its own foreign buyer’s tax, in an effort to help local buyers get into the housing market. Jason Turcotte, vice-president of development for Cressey Development Group, said such a tax would hurt markets dependent on foreign dollars, such as Whistler ski resort, which has a large American demographic.

      “A blanket tax over an entire country is certainly not the way to go when each individual province and city has its own acute market needs,” Mr. Turcotte said.

      But such efforts to manage the influx of foreign real estate investment are particularly attractive as part of the economic recovery effort, their supporters say.

      “The need now is to appear to be doing something to address economic hardship, post COVID,” Mr. Kurland says. “And you want to stabilize, if not lower the numbers, on the property market to assist young people, because that’s who gets hit by rising property prices.”

      The question that governments have long needed to ask, says Mr. Kurland, was simple: Did you or did you not file a Canadian income tax return? Those homeowners who answered “No,” would be liable to a mandatory withholding tax on the proceeds of any sale. That, he says, was not being enforced. Untaxed profits were being recirculated throughout the housing market, putting local income earners at a disadvantage.

      “Imagine you are a foreign national, and you are not supposed to have a capital gains exemption for your principal residence. … But you say that you live in Canada, and so you don’t pay any tax on the profit. And then you can’t bring that profit back to China, so you don’t report the profit to China. You don’t report the profit to Canada, and so now you have a lot of money. So what do you do with it? You buy another property. I wanted to put a stop to that.”

      Simon Fraser University school of public policy assistant professor, Josh Gordon, recently released a paper that made use of new CHSP data and examines the phenomenon of Metro Vancouver areas that have high property prices, very low incomes and a high percentage of foreign ownership or non tax-residency. He’s a big supporter of the SVT, but he would like to see the removal of an exemption that is given to the foreign owner for renting out all or part of the property, which he sees as defeating the purpose of the tax. Removal of the exemption, he argues, would put pressure on foreign owners to either sell or pay the annual surtax, which would either put properties back into the local market or generate tax revenue for public benefit.

      “Suppose you have a wealthy foreign owner who owns a single detached house who enjoys the land price appreciation over time – and who isn’t paying Canadian income taxes, but who is a landlord, and therefore exempt from the SVT. Why do we need foreign landlords for that kind of property?”

      There remains room for improvement, Mr. Kurland adds. The system still has its loopholes.

      “The province of B.C., and other provinces, do not like the fact that a small minority of these immensely wealthy families are technically living under the poverty line in multimillion-dollar homes, and entitled to GST credits, child tax credits, and you name it. But the [dollar] numbers don’t present a business case to do anything about it.”

      But with the recent push by the province for more transparency, “the wall,” he says, “has been cracked.”更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • 后面有很多评论: +2
        本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛“The province of B.C., and other provinces, do not like the fact that a small minority of these immensely wealthy families are technically living under the poverty line in multimillion-dollar homes, and entitled to GST credits, child tax credits, and you name it. But the [dollar] numbers don’t present a business case to do anything about it.”
        This disappoints me.

        Ten years ago, about one-third of my neighborhood was purchased by exactly these families.

        The fathers live in China and the wife and / or kids live in Canada. They live in homes worth $4.0 - $10.0 million and declare little or no Canadian income.

        I am taxed on my income, then effectively taxed a second time to support these free-loaders.

        Compounding matters, locals have to purchase real estate with after tax dollars. Foreign buyers effectively purchase housing at a 50% discount because they never paid Canadian taxes on the money to buy this real estate.

        This is not a small matter to be ignored!
        So, one early piece of information emerging from the new scrutiny is that close to twenty per cent of recently built condos in the city of Vancouver are owned by a person who actually lives in a foreign country.

        In other words, it is not a home, it is instead a garish cross between a secret bank account at tax time and a personal hideaway at excursion time.

        So much for the prattle from the distractors and apologists over the years, who kept insisting to us that money from outside of Canada only accounted for a few percent at most of real estate purchases in Vancouver (roll eyes)...
        Hmmm....wasn't the real estate association in BC claiming the rate of foreign ownership was less than 5 percent?

        I hope the federal government goes ahead with the foreign buyers tax and ignore the developers who are against it. It has to be a whole of Canada approach to limiting foreign ownership of residential properties or it becomes a fire that just spreads to other areas of the country.
        About time, should have been done years/a decade ago. I hope the CRA/govts are aggressive in going after those individuals/corporations that owe money or are dumping criminal proceeds into real estate.

        Governments have been asleep at the switch on these issues for years, I'm sure due to the fact that they've been beneficiaries of political donations from the real estate industry.

        3 days ago
        Agree completely. Ontario/Toronto should be doing all the same things as BC/YVR. Else the bad money will just shift east
        Banning foreign buyers is probably the best thing to do right now as we have allowed this to go on for far too long. Should the govt. not have the courage to take such a bold measure as NZ has done, we should revisit the taxes on such. A 2% tax on satellite families is a joke. 2% on a 2 million dollar house works out to $40,000. A similar Canadian family who lived in a $2 million dollar home would easily have to pay at least $150,000 in taxes / yr based on qualification for mortgage. The discrepancy is too huge and the satellite families are making out like bandits. While this may appear xenophobic, I also feel that Canada should stop Chinese immigration immediately. They have brought us more societal problems than anyone else.

        3 days ago
        Right on - making their income in China, and declaring tax-exemption income here. We are so stupid for allowing this to go on.
        Industrial Research
        3 days ago
        Just tax foreign ownership differently.

        Don't bother with the SVT, it is far too easy to dodge. Foreign owners can simply pretend to receive rent from relatives in Canada, then return the "rent".更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net