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BoC deputy说市场风险不大,大多房价上涨不是因为speculation

The massive policy response from the Bank of Canada and the federal government successfully prevented the country’s financial system from buckling, though vigilance is still needed, according to a top central banker.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 枫下觅巢 / BoC deputy说市场风险不大,大多房价上涨不是因为speculation
    The massive policy response from the Bank of Canada and the federal government successfully prevented the country’s financial system from buckling, though vigilance is still needed, according to a top central banker.
    • The deputy governor downplayed signs of overheating in the nation’s housing market,
      hinting the recent surge in prices reflects fundamental factors such as pent-up demand and a shift in preferences to larger homes. Values have risen fastest, meanwhile, in cities with moderate mortgage levels.
    • To this point, we do not see signs that home prices are rising due to speculation
    • 有B20和外买税在谁敢乱炒房,现在的房市稳得很,明后两年各国央行M2大放水,股市房市等着涨吧。
    • 大把失业的人明年得卖房子,明年房价得大跳水 +5
      • 很多人会失业是真的,但也有很多人会重新就业,今明两年的新移民留学生堆着一起来,各国央行大放水外加加拿大房价无投机风险,基本面已经很清楚了。
        • 加拿大房价泡沫世界第一,破是早晚的。 +4
          • 难道BOC造谣?我们该信你还是信他们?