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If your builder fails to notice you of delay within 35 days, you are entitiled to claim compensation for up to $100/day. Check out the link of Ontario New Home Warranty Program.

My house was delayed for 15 days, because the builder is allowed up to 5 days grace for a delay without penalty. So the builder pay me $1000 for 10 days.

The claim process is very simple. Keep the delay notice letter from your builder and any receipts of moving expense, boarding expenase and temporarily rental expense. When you house is closed, fax all above information to the Ontario new home warranty program, they will ask you builder to pay for them.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 住房话题 / 如果建筑商延期交房,如何索偿?
    我担心我的新房可能无法按时盖好,而且现在离CLOSING DATE不足65天,建筑商并未给我任何通知.倘若延期真的发生,我可以索偿.有那位朋友经历过这种事情,可否对具体索偿过程给予指教?

    • If your builder fails to notice you of delay within 35 days, you are entitiled to claim compensation for up to $100/day. Check out the link of Ontario New Home Warranty Program.
      My house was delayed for 15 days, because the builder is allowed up to 5 days grace for a delay without penalty. So the builder pay me $1000 for 10 days.

      The claim process is very simple. Keep the delay notice letter from your builder and any receipts of moving expense, boarding expenase and temporarily rental expense. When you house is closed, fax all above information to the Ontario new home warranty program, they will ask you builder to pay for them.
      • Do they cover the monthly rent I paid for my apartment which I don't have to if I can move out on closing date?
        Also what do you mean moving expense? Move to the new home or the extra move caused by the delay?

        Anyway, thanks for your information.
        • 嗯,可以的,你先别着急,BUILDER有权利在CLOSING35天的时候同志,在那之后接到通知才有赔偿,另外,只要70%完工,可以居住,就可以CLOSING
          • Right. The builder is allowed to delay by law. As long as the builder notify you, you can not do anything about it. You have to make arrangement with your current landloard at your own cost.
        • The compensation is calculated by day instead of by month if your delay is shor-term. They suppose you live in hotel during the delay.
          Moving expense means you spend some money for moving , such as renting a U-haul truck.