Hello xxx,
I truly appreciate you bringing this incident to my attention.
It was very kind of you and David to assist the Senior who fell down. I’m happy to hear that were not injured as a result of their feel.
My colleague who supervises the Seniors Centre has forwarded your email to the Management Team for the apartment building next door. It is their team that is responsible for ensuring that the concrete path is safe and well maintained.
If there’s anything else I can assist you with, please let me know.
Have a good day!
I truly appreciate you bringing this incident to my attention.
It was very kind of you and David to assist the Senior who fell down. I’m happy to hear that were not injured as a result of their feel.
My colleague who supervises the Seniors Centre has forwarded your email to the Management Team for the apartment building next door. It is their team that is responsible for ensuring that the concrete path is safe and well maintained.
If there’s anything else I can assist you with, please let me know.
Have a good day!