18號早上從8點到12點的4個小時間VISITOR CENTRE就接到5宗遭遇的報告。WIHTFISH LAKE有人遭遇﹐當天熊就被TRAP&RELOCATE到50公裡外﹐第二天又在TWO RIVER 附近的公路邊上發現一頭熊兩耳都被打了紅TAG和兩小雄在60號工路邊惶當﹐並被拍了照。在過去10天內Kearney CAMP GROUND 外 兩度發現同一只熊的蹤跡﹐第一次是在下午4點﹐溜狗的人和它來了個迎面對視﹐後被噪音嚇跑﹐幾天後深夜12點過﹐同一只雄又走進了這個營地﹐這次被狗嚇跑﹐等﹐﹐等。。。
另﹐portage between Owl and Linda Lakes 有狼群的報告。There was also a "fearless wolf advisory" on Whitefish, Kearney and Pog﹐By Wednesday morning new vistors were being asked to report any bear sights to staff- apparently there were watching the situation 。
另﹐portage between Owl and Linda Lakes 有狼群的報告。There was also a "fearless wolf advisory" on Whitefish, Kearney and Pog﹐By Wednesday morning new vistors were being asked to report any bear sights to staff- apparently there were watching the situation 。