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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

If the existing paint is oil base

1) use oil base sealer / primer as undercoat (white) to cover the original color. Just look at it as a kind of white paint. The sealer also makes it easier for you to paint the color on it. If the original color is too dark, you might have to prime it twice to fully cover it.

2) use oil base paint to paint whatever color you like. Just choose your color and they (Home Depot or Canadian or ...) will tint it for you.

if existing paint is water base / latex, use latex sealer and latex paint

if existing paint is oil base and you want to use latex, you will have to sand it first, or I heard someone say you can find a kind of oil sealer on which you can use latex paint.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 住房话题 / 请教大家这里有给墙壁打磨的机器吗?墙要从新刷颜色,但是以前的墙壁是油漆的,不是涂料的,据说需要打磨。打磨墙壁的机器英文怎么说?谢谢
    • 帮不了你。新隔墙装好啦?
      • 谢谢,请问,这边的彩色内墙用的都是涂料吧?是否必须把原来的油漆打磨掉才可以呢?
        • 是油漆就用小铲可以铲掉, 是涂料的话你可以直接买可以覆盖的涂料, 涂上后看不到原来的底色,就是贵些。
          • 小铲铲掉工程太大了,也太累了阿。还有别的办法嘛?比如用什么漆直接涂?或者有机器?今天去homedepot看到25-30一桶,应该是刷内墙的吧,有很多颜色选择
    • 再刷油基的就行了,直接刷,去店里说原来是油基的,现在想要什么颜色,卖油漆的会告诉你的,别着急,这些都不是大问题,:)
      • 谢谢你^_^,油漆英文怎么说呢,担心不会说买错.油漆是不是也像涂料一样颜色多,而且可以用滚轮刷?谢谢
        • 脸红了,俺英文不好,一直和他们说OIL BASE,颜色是一样的,想象水基漆才十几年的历史,其他的也是,
          • 谢谢,俺一直 郁闷不知道怎么和他们说油漆和涂料的分别。对了你用的什么牌子?在哪里买到?多少钱,谢谢
    • If the existing paint is oil base
      1) use oil base sealer / primer as undercoat (white) to cover the original color. Just look at it as a kind of white paint. The sealer also makes it easier for you to paint the color on it. If the original color is too dark, you might have to prime it twice to fully cover it.

      2) use oil base paint to paint whatever color you like. Just choose your color and they (Home Depot or Canadian or ...) will tint it for you.

      if existing paint is water base / latex, use latex sealer and latex paint

      if existing paint is oil base and you want to use latex, you will have to sand it first, or I heard someone say you can find a kind of oil sealer on which you can use latex paint.
      • 谢谢你,不过俺是漆盲,分不清oil base, water base / latex。所以才郁闷:(。不过我的房子是老房子,墙壁俺只知道是油漆的。