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Rain screen wall assembiles were not utilized.
At the present time, the extend and severity of the damage is realtively minor with some areas requiring rehabilitation in the short-term......
The remedial work on the balconies could consist of a complete resonstruction or correction of the existing details. Because the facades below the balconies are non-strucural, the Owners may wish to imporve the existng details and accept the risk that continured leakage may occur along with subsequent deteroration....
The dormer windows at the third level are highly exposed, have poor details and are currently leaking is some locations.


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 住房话题 / (紧急求助)我在大温地区,看中一Townhouse.但在看这个小区的会议记录时,发现有其他房子窗子漏水问题。屋主说是小问题。可这个房子才4年。
    Rain screen wall assembiles were not utilized.
    At the present time, the extend and severity of the damage is realtively minor with some areas requiring rehabilitation in the short-term......
    The remedial work on the balconies could consist of a complete resonstruction or correction of the existing details. Because the facades below the balconies are non-strucural, the Owners may wish to imporve the existng details and accept the risk that continured leakage may occur along with subsequent deteroration....
    The dormer windows at the third level are highly exposed, have poor details and are currently leaking is some locations.

    • 这还需要问吗?肯定是不买喽!
      • 主要是不知道问题是否非常严重。我非常喜欢这房子。并且现在大温房子难找啊。