建议大家如果真地感兴趣应该去WHO的网站了解一些常识。按照WHO的说法,真正值得注意的是哪些SARS Contacts,定义为A contact is a person who may be at greater risk of developing SARS because of exposure to a suspect or probable case of SARS. Information to date suggests that risky exposures include having cared for, lived with, or having had direct contact with the respiratory secretions, body fluids and/or excretion (e.g. faeces) of a suspect or probable cases of SARS。也就是和病人直接有过接触的才真正有危险。http://www.who.int/csr/sars/management/en/。目前从WHO的网站统计的病例数来看,新的病例的确在减少,http://www.who.int/csr/sarsepicurve/epiindex/en/index1.html。