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From the experts-- If you don't push him to eat, there's nothing to resist. So to put an end to the battle, don't bribe or beg -- and try to ignore his antics. I can assure you that he will eat what his body needs --

if not at this meal, then at the next. He certainly won't starve. Children ages 1 through 3 need only 1,300 calories daily.

Give toddlers portions that are one-fourth to one-third the size of adult portions. A toddler faced with both a plateful of food and a parent who expects him to eat it all, is likely to become fussy and finicky at the table. Increase portion sizes for preschoolers and kindergartners, but don't expect your 3-year-old to eat the same amount as you do. By scaling down portion sizes, you give your child the opportunity to ask for seconds, which will help him feel in control.

Try to set a routine, say, breakfast - snack - lunch - snack / fruit - supper. but if he refuses food, don't push him. Because it's a battle parents will never win.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 家庭与子女 / 请教各位有小孩子的,我的儿子3岁,吃饭不好好吃,一说开饭,就急吼吼的跑来,但是吃几口就开始吊儿郎当,软的不行,硬的也不行。平时不让吃零食,到吃饭的时候好像他也不饿。是不是要吃点什么增进食欲的药?
    • 今天才听了一个picky eater的workshop.收获是长大点就好了,不要强喂。小孩子自己不会挨饿的,饿了就会吃。另外提倡一天6餐,breakfast, snack,lunch,snack,dinner,snack.
    • From the experts-- If you don't push him to eat, there's nothing to resist. So to put an end to the battle, don't bribe or beg -- and try to ignore his antics. I can assure you that he will eat what his body needs --
      if not at this meal, then at the next. He certainly won't starve. Children ages 1 through 3 need only 1,300 calories daily.

      Give toddlers portions that are one-fourth to one-third the size of adult portions. A toddler faced with both a plateful of food and a parent who expects him to eat it all, is likely to become fussy and finicky at the table. Increase portion sizes for preschoolers and kindergartners, but don't expect your 3-year-old to eat the same amount as you do. By scaling down portion sizes, you give your child the opportunity to ask for seconds, which will help him feel in control.

      Try to set a routine, say, breakfast - snack - lunch - snack / fruit - supper. but if he refuses food, don't push him. Because it's a battle parents will never win.
    • 以前我好像记得谁的经验(好像是风筝ZZ),说就给他1天3顿饭,中间不给吃,3顿饭按时,而且规定比如1个小时,到时候就收碗,不管吃完没吃完。然后要吃,就等下一顿。不知道这个方法是不是不好?
      • 我有贴过这么“残忍”的方法吗?几乎每个小孩都不会“好好"吃饭的。没有什么特别好的办法,只能:1.多带孩子外面玩,增加他的活动量;2.不要老用大人的口味给孩子做饭,饭菜要变化多样,最好做到色,香。味,营养俱全;
        • 风筝JJ说得不错, 增加他的活动量, 饭菜要变化多样,会好一些.
        • 对不起,对不起,因为老记得风筝姐姐说什么“给脸色看”,我记错了,呵呵。 1,我的儿子每天在外面活动4,5小
      • 你儿子刚刚3岁,可能不太合适吧.小孩子的胃口通常比成年人要小,所以少食多餐会好一些.不用太担心,小孩觉得饿的话,自然会吃,不会让自己饿着的.
        • 6 meals a day,it that ok?
    • 昨天看24台说是饭菜的体积、形状和颜色(而不是味道)会很显著的增加小孩的食欲。我房东的小孩不爱吃包子,但是如果把大包子做成乒乓球大小的小包子他就吃很多。
      • 我考,总不能让我把饭做成金字塔,把肉做成恐龙模型吧。
        • why not?
    • 给他装饭时不要装太多,如果他吃不饱会再要,但这样子小孩子不会看到满满的饭害怕。实在不想吃,就收走碗,不用硬逼他吃多,反而容易产生逆反心理。
    • 我们小家伙也这样.rolia上的很多JJMM还给了我药.(非常感谢).但还是没什么用.现在三岁多了,慢慢好起来了.
    • 刚来就发现问题了?捏积很有用