1) 坐直升飞机观光 Talkeetna Air Taxi
有三种选择,价格不同,时间越长越贵。A) Denali最高峰南面转个小圈 B)Denali最高峰南面转个大一点的圈 C) 绕着Denali最高峰转个大圈。如果在某个冰峰顶上下来走个十来分钟,加100多美金。TRIPADVISOR上看了一些评论,总结是喜欢看风景的,时间长一些,值得。下冰峰走路,钱花的冤。钱多的除外。
Direct Line: (907) 733-2218
Toll Free: (800) 533-2219
FAX: (907) 733-1434
14212 E Second Street
Talkeetna AK 99676
2) 去公园路上的重点 Denali Viewpoint South(at Mile 134.7 of the Parks Highway)
Offers the best panorama of Mount McKinley along the road system。
3) 去公园路上的重点 Hurrican Gulch Bridge ( At Mile 174)
The Hurricane Gulch Bridge is a 918 ft (280 m) long steel arch railroad bridge that crosses Hurricane Gulch, Alaska. It is located at milepost 284.2, counting from Seward. At 296 ft above the Hurricane creek, it is both the longest and tallest bridge on the entire Alaska 。
4) 去公园路上的重点 Igloo At Mile 188.5
It is a giant unfinished wooden structure that is covered in white foam. It is an Alaskan motel, that never made it. So it sits and rots! It is a road side marker for those driving north on the Parks Highway from Anchorage to Denali State Park. It is a conversation piece! It is The Igloo!
Anyone seeing it for the first time, is sure to stop. Wander across the snow to look inside and you will see, nothing! It is massive in size! It is empty! It was never finished! It has no fire escape! It is the motel that never made it.