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as prolific as Nietzsche was, he wrote extensively on various subjects. being one of the earliest cultural critics of

modern times, his voluminous coverage of diverse human institutions demands respectful scrutiny. Yet, as every other controversial thinker that has lived before or after him, his works are seldom free of idiosyncrasy, eccentricity, or sometimes even outrageous rubbish. the link below is an article discussing Nietzsche's "great" advice on marriage. you can read it and decide for yourself how much truth, or equally, fallacy, is in there.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下沙龙 / 梦想天空 / "It is not a lack of love, but a lack of friendship that makes unhappy marriages." Friedrich Nietzsche
    "True love is always love of oneself. even when we give up our life for the loved one we are simply living up to the beloved image of ourselves, just like Valmont. " the_dumb_one(dumb_and_dumber);
    • Could you determine the context now?
      • not really. Nietzsche said something about marriage. that may or may not have anything to do with the discussion we were undertaking. and even if it does,
        I have no reason to believe in everything he said, the same way I don't believe in everything Karl Marx said.
        • I've remembered quite a few famous quotes by Nietzsche , yet this statement is among the most difficult and intriguing ones. What IS the relationship between love and marriage? What did Nietzsche try to convey to us?
          Does that mean love has nothing to do with marriage? Or Marriage is all about friendship? What's your reading?

          Please do NOT try to transcend your beloved De Merteuil through her beloved De Valmont. ^_^
          • as prolific as Nietzsche was, he wrote extensively on various subjects. being one of the earliest cultural critics of
            modern times, his voluminous coverage of diverse human institutions demands respectful scrutiny. Yet, as every other controversial thinker that has lived before or after him, his works are seldom free of idiosyncrasy, eccentricity, or sometimes even outrageous rubbish. the link below is an article discussing Nietzsche's "great" advice on marriage. you can read it and decide for yourself how much truth, or equally, fallacy, is in there.
            • I won't have him as my guidance counsellor, yet I am indeed knocked out by the fact that this statement is the most TRUSTWORTHY one out of his ten most trustworthy phenomena. Can you imagine that?
              A vast majority voted IT as the best as well as the most trustworthy statement. What's your make of this particular phenomenon? Rubbish, outrageously?

              Will you be emotionally paralyzed or mentally
              suffocated ? Be honest.
              • Although marrying one's soulmate and "staying" married forever is the perfection of a perfect illusion,
                genuine love does not always have something to do with marriage. the emphasis on friendship here has its root in Greek tradition where friendship is considered a higher concept than love, simply because it is established on mutual respect between the equals.
                • So we are supposed to marry our friendship NOT our love, if we wanna go for life and death? Kind of scary, isn't it?
                  • I guess in Nietzsche's discourse love is assumed as the fundamental component, whereas friendship is a higher ideal that guarantees a happy marriage.
                    • You come into agreement with the guess, or just stay on the surface of the guess? A Fundamentally difficult question to have an answer for, isn't it? +1
                      • I have expressed my appreciation of Nietzsche's comment in my post above regarding "perfection of a perfect illusion". it is the same ideal we see in Jin Yong's novels. the so called "比肩齐翼仗剑走天涯"
                        • Gee, you are a big fan of Jin Yong, which blows me away just like that. What do you like about Jin Yong? You, a big fan of Jin Yong? Are you serious? From Nietzsche to Jin Yong?
                          Any comparative thoughts upon Nietzsche and Jin Yong, which IS beyond my life-time imagination, though perhaps not my after-life one?
                          • Jin Yong's novels are the best vehicles of "mental erotic", something similar to the romantic paperbacks we have here, maybe a bit more refined.
                            • 正经提问:荡夫子,您能讲中文么?能的话俺也旁听~~跟您学习一下
                              • 我好象一直在和你讲中文啊?不在电脑跟前不得不用手机输英文的时候,还得被你敲,写检讨。
                                • 我是说你的教学内容!
                            • I don't mind your writing in Chinese, and it seems that I'm not the only one interested. ^_^
                              • 不好意思哈,英文水平太差~~:)
                                • ^_^
                              • 你介意回答楼下我的提问吗?- 请问想要娃女士,好婚姻和真爱是一回事吗?还是,你只希望和荡教授讨论和解答你的问题?如果是那样,你大可直接PM他嘛。
                                • I did have my answer for you. "I'm not sure if I could get myself through Nietzsche, Yet I like to give him a try,"
                                  • 我问的是你自己对这两个概念之间的看法,你的回答是你想认知尼采???excuse me, is that an answer?
                                    • We're still in the progress of discussion of that matter, so that this answer might actually be the best one I could come up with by this point.
                                      • all right i give up. all i suggest is - please find a place for your one-on-one tutorial, whether by pms, or a sub-forum which won't display to everyone until he/she signs in, if possible. thank you.
                                  • BTW,我所看到的是,你引用的尼采名言和荡木文字,一个说婚姻,一个谈真爱。故我有此问。
                            • Could we have more of your manifestations to reflect upon the statement? Mentally erotic? How? In which respects? Not linguistically erotic, yet mentally erotic? How did Jin Yong make it?
                              • by creating a disneyland fantasy for adults who otherwise seldom have real oppotunity to fantasize, about themselves as well as about the outside world.
                                • Any specific Jin Yong novel or novels characterized by these personalities? Give me one example, and I might just read it.
                                  • my reading was done exclusively at least 20 years ago. I haven't read anything remotely "literary" ever since, therefore it is impossible for me to pick my brain for any detail.
                                    • I meant that you choose one of his novels for me, not that you have to specify any details of those episodes in his novel or novels.
                                      • my recollection of some reading done 30 years ago is quite blurred at this stage. I spoke from my memory of my perception back then. it is best not to misguide myself as well as others.
                                        • Put it this way, then. *_* Which male or female character in his novels was your favorite? Do not even try to transcend this question by saying something like "I love them all.".
                                          • Answers like "I love them all" sound too solidly Nietzsche-ish.
                                          • I would say 陈家洛 is my favorite.
                                            • Why? And no favorite female character? Sounds quite fishy, Nietzsche-style fishy. ^_^
                                              • maybe because Chen is a complicated case, and because the fact he is eternally burdened with
                                                the unbearable heaviness of choice. there are a few female figures I liked but I just can't remember them all. I think I only read Jin Yong once. no repeat. maybe I'll read him again when I have some peace and leisure.
                                                • Shall we call it selective memory or temporary memory loss. Weird, though, Aren't men usually supposed to have stronger memory of women, INSTEAD OF men ? Why are you so exceptional?
                                                  • our memory is always selective. we suppress what depresses us. and we promote what uplifts us. I don't remember the male characters' name either. I had to google the proper name of Chen, though I do know he is the Jin Yong character I liked most.
    • I tip my hat to you! But you got to know a basic fact, there is always something you cannot change. To kill Satan, you have to be more powerful than Satan. Good luck! +1
      • 荡木叔叔好!哈哈哈 +2
        • 惨了,俺也被归入到那~~~一类啦。:-(
      • To change or NOT to change? What could be the subjects to be changed or NOT to be changed? Who's the Satan you indicated in this specific context? And do I have to KILL him? To kill or NOT to kill? That's a question.. ^_^
        • Go ahead! It's just my two cents. The real question is: to mate, or not to mate, in that land actually.
          • how confused and clueless one must become in order to even open his/her mouth to ask "to mate or not to mate" in the very land of fxcking?
            • I don't have to be confused to say that. That's only plain English, right? There are couple of ways to say it, if "to mate or not to mate" offends you , I can change it to "to fuck or not to fuck", or you can change it to whatever words you like.
              • I wish the use of four-letter word in your post may actually offend yourself first. I thought one of the byproducts of education, especially for terminal degrees, is to keep such words behind closed doors.
                • No. I like those words, and will for sure use them later.
                  • very well. please continue using it, then. too bad the site admin may need to request overtime pay for deleting the four-letter words on your behalf.
                    • Hey, you might be overly sensitive. I'm talking about the word "fuck", just in the way an English dictionary explains it.
                      • I believe I am among the last batch of creatures who might be remotely considered "overly sensitive". and yet, I do believe there is no place for four-letter words in public forum, just like we usually don't fornicate in public.
                        • Nah, whatever.
                    • "The site admin" does not need to delete my beautiful usage of that wonderful word. The reason is that I am NOT using it in a cursive way against any Rolian.
                      • but he/she did go through the trouble to pick up your four-letter words, and, deleted them with discretion. didn't he/she?
                        • I'm fine with that.
        • All that crap can be boiled down to one word, I mate, therefore I am.
    • 请问想要娃女士,好婚姻和真爱是一回事吗?oops,我是不是不小心闯入了你们的E文私聊?
      • 同学,你闯入的是 “荡教授”的【爱 与 人生】课堂,提问请举手 ~~
        lol.... 荡木要被我们气S了~~
        • 怎么会?荡木学人文出身,秉承人文博爱精神,自然坚信天下人首先都是爱我的,除非 proved to be otherwise。 所以但凡挨砖,一定认为是出于无疆厚爱。
          • 说你自我意识强烈你还不承认~~:)
            • 没有不承认啊?我只不过是经由强烈的自我意识谦卑地意识到博爱的人们会想当然地予我以厚爱。
              • 那我准头就不差呀
                • 所以我才说你是真正厉害呀。兜了这么一个大圈子,仍然是最终把我“硬”塞进套子里。当年读本科的时候,看过一个电影“女人比男人更凶残”,始终不明白为何要取那样一个名字,这会儿算是切身体会搞懂了。
                  • lol.... 跟你开个玩笑而已....
                    你们聊好了,不捣乱了~~ :)
        • 哦~有旁听生,荡教授应该高兴才是啊^_^我是担心楼主同学不高兴嘛lol
          • 那咋办?要不咱们撤吧,,不捣乱了~~
            • 嘻嘻~~
      • 你说,到底是幸福婚姻,还是不幸福的婚姻,使人更懂得爱和婚姻啊?
        • 我觉得爱和婚姻是两码事哈。真爱不一定发生在婚姻里,也不见得以婚姻为归宿。但婚姻中的两人没爱肯定幸福不了。而最重要的,如果两人间连友谊都匮乏,那婚姻更没法长久。幸福这事儿吧,基本是个人主观感受。幸福了就幸福了,哪管懂不懂呢?
          • 俗人回答:真爱若不能长相守,宁可不爱。
            • 若是真爱,真能抽身而出吗?若因为不能长相守就不爱,等以后追悔莫及吗?人只活一次。
              • 其实,到底什么是真爱,我不是特别确定。你呢?也许每个人对于真爱的定义不同。 但是对于幸福,我很确定那是什么。
        • 为什么离婚的男人有人抢,都是被前妻训练出来了~~~更懂LOL
      • I'm not sure if I could get myself through Nietzsche, Yet I like to give him a try,
        • 怎么,我的提问不准备答一下?哦,不好意思,没小心闯进了你们私塾,打扰你听课了。
    • 楼上的直接pm好不好~~~ +1
      • 崴呀?要孩子板板正正的E文难道不好?