1. Download KEEPASS portable professional edition to your computer
2. unzip it to any location. You may choose to unzip it into a USB drive to carry around.
3. Run the keepass.exe, follow the instruction to create a database file, create a super complex master key and create your password entries. Remember to save it before quit the Keepass.
4. Now, you could follow the next a few steps to have it stored on iphone for more convenient access.
5. Download and install the free minikeepass app on your iphone. Note: No need to create a database file because it can be imported from the one created on computer
6. You may choose either dropbox or iTunes to send files from computer to your iphone. I followed this instruction to pass the database file mypassword.kdbx created in step 3 to iphone.
7. On your iphone, open minikeepass and tap the database loaded from computer in step 6, you should be able to figure it out from here.
What if somebody stole the database file, can they easily crack it?